"Looking in your eyes, Praising every moment because you're my only light."

May 06, 2004 09:18

"Please don't leave me now"
The early november


What a jam pacted last few days....so monday..i was sick so i left school after maxwell...and i met up with walt...and went with him to get his contacts....and the rest of the day we just played video games..and hung out, and at around 8:00 he decided to take his contacts out...bad idea! so he takimg them out, and i'm just messing around with my plugs...and then all the sudden he just started feeling really funny...so as i'm talking to him i droped my plug in the toleit...the walt starts feeling really funny..so i tell him to sit down...and i notice that hes really getting sweaty...and then i notices that the was no color in his face...like no joke his lips we white...and then his eyes glazed over...and then he just started talking really funny and drifting in and out of concheness...it was so scary!...and he would just look at me and then pass out...i thought he was dying..and then he was just like i think i need to lay down...so he stands up..and just falls over on me and passes out in my arms...so i just start crying...i really thought he died..and then i just start screaming...someone call 911...and just screamed for help...it was like out of a movie..like when someone like overdoses..it was horable..so we call 911 and it was fucking busy! WHAT THE FUCK! ah...so finally he comes to after drifting in and out...so we take his to the hospital...and they check him out and say nothings wrong...hes in perfect health...but they also said this probably wasn't the last time this would happen. So we had to stay at the hospital for like five hours just checking if everything was ok..and it was and we left at 4:30 in the morning...
And in conclustion to all that...i have to say that was the scareist thing that has ever happened to me...i thought i was going to lose him...i really thought he was dying in my arms...it was horrible...and i'm just so thankful that he made it though...i don't know what i would do with out him....if i was at all religious i would have to thank god...oh and about the plugs i took it as a sign...and i took them out for good...
So thats that...walts ok...thankfuly..and life pretty much back to normal...i went to a show lastlight...solent green...but we get there..and we look around the parking lot..and every car there has a ICP sticker on it...no joke everycar! and i really didn't think they would be there to see our band...so we're driving around..and theres people in fucking face paint lol! but then we got a flat in walts car...ok let me refrace that..walts huge truck...but we got that fixed and headed into the show..and we were right...insane clown possie was playing upstairs...and i have got to say that was the wrost crowd i have ever seen..i mean the we all white trash..and the had all had to have been on the Jerry Springer show at one time in their lifes...the were so nasty...but we saw our band..the were ok...there was all of like 12 people there to see them...but it was still a good show..and while we were waiting for sloent green to come on..we wnet up stairs to laugh at the crowd...and bone thugs and harmony was playing! And that was kind of cool...i got to hear thug love...lol good stuff....and that it! finally right? TTYL
Love Always
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