Feb 26, 2004 12:30
"Frostbite on my heart
This pain and suffering
Are feelings that you don't know
Doesn't it feel like
To feel like twenty below"
=20 Below=
-Hidden In Plain View-
I love snow!
Today has been awesome!...so i woke up this morning at like 6:00 am...which for you who don't know is an hour and a half before i usally wake up..but i woke to the sound of someone instant messaging me..so i get up and its jon...he imed like no joke 20 times! But he was all like we don't have school today! It snowed...and i was all like no way...i mean i got home a like 12:30 last night...and it was kind of warm..well at least not cold enough to snow! But i looked out my window this morning and my yard was covered in a thick banket of snow..it was buetiful..so no school for me!
So..i slept till 11:00...got up..turned the heat up to 80 degrease! Yep..it was that cold in my house...watched some cartoons..i love cartoons! Listened to music as loud as i could..or as loud as the speakers would go ;-P....And then i took a shower got bunndled up..grabbed some flim..and head out to take some snow pictures...if any come out ok i'll posted them..so cross you fingers! lol ;-P
And thats all for now! TTYL!
love Always!
+and forever+
Pray for snow tomorrow!
Stay Warm!