(no subject)

Sep 01, 2006 23:24

yeah I need to get my shit straight and jump off a fucking 400km high platu and sink in the quicksand below! But my head will for some reason stay afloat and some rancid flesh eating BIRD will peck out my eyes and shit them out on george bushes FUCKING STEPS! I hate me life at this present time but it wont be for long BECAUSE Im going to be making a few minor changes. First off I need to find friends that arnt fucking losers (and if your reading this and think Im calling all my former friends losers Iam in fact noT except for the select few and they know who they are....actually they have no concience so I dont think they will). Yeah I need new friends, friends that love me and wouldnt steal from me and treat me like shit, friends that have jobs and arnt stuborn, friends that call me to talk and listen to what I have to say and know when theyre being stupid and wrong. I need to get a job myself Im looking into being a medical assistant... Ill have axcess to DRUGS!! and I will have a side hussle making me even more money, then I can finALLY move out without HAVING to run a goddamn homeless-bum mooch-fuckFACE-SHIT EATEr-HI I leech of people to exist CENTER! By that time I will be in collage trying to get a better job. Ill never be bored cause Ill have money to do things and my life wont suck. Seince Iv lost nearly ALL my friends Iv gotten in touch with my family which is awesone cause theyre sweet!! me and a few friends and my uncle are going on a voyage to canada pretty soon to retrive some MJ seedS and we hear they have the weed to sample before you buy the seed so that should be sweet!!!!!!Yes then we can buy new lungs seince the medical scene is sooo fucking much better then THE GREAT U S of A. Yeah Im going to look into some serious intensive therapy because obviously I have PrObLEMS!! and I need MEDICATION! or something like that I may be bi-polar I may not be Im surrounded my enough of them as it IS! YEAH shit sucks as of now but like I said Im going to attempt to turn shit around, and hopefully my life will be like it was with pink bunnies running around on a beautiful fucking cute fucking green grassy fucking noll! YEAH and I keep saying YEAH so YEAH! I think Im done I just need to illiminate a few more assholes in my so called life to accomplish tranquility and lay low for a while...well nevermind I have no where to go to be alone and chill or even be comfortable so fuck that Ill jsut try to be nice to people I dont know and hope they like me and wanna chill..(smoke weed) or crack no jsut kidding. Yeah I have no idea whats going on people ARE DYING LEFT AND RIGHT! ILL FIGHT YOU ALL YOU ASSHOLE MF's!! Its just me and the naked mole rat now!


Fuck being sad!

Im going to be happy!

and love myself and my friends, friends I can trust if I ever get TOO wasted and dont know what Im doing to not let me do stupid shit, which I hope will never happen again!


Get ready for the new and improved super medicated me!!!

I could try it out right it should be a good idea.....Ill see what happens

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