Nov 11, 2008 09:43
The dog is doing well. Her vet trip yesterday yielded her best blood count yet and also she no longer has the bacterial infection. Next vet trip (barring any sort of downturn) is a month out. Which is nice, it almost gives me a breather from the bills. Thankfully prednisone for a dog her size is cheap. A months worth of meds are only 11 dollars. The blood and urine tests that's where the big expenses are, with heart worm meds this last visit clocked in at 100 dollars and some change. Luckily my gas budget has lots of extra space in it, so I am making ends meet. If everything keeps going the way it is for her, then unless there is another episode the vet trips should be decreasing significantly, possibly to the tune of an annual.
As for me, I haven't been getting stuff done around the house, been changing a med of my own and it's wiping me out. I have no energy, and I'm not sleeping well. The not sleeping well isn't really news worthy, except that I had been getting better sleep up until about a month or so ago. And it's only gotten worse.
Took pictures of random gadgets and games to put up on craigslist and ebay. My goal is to pay off the credit card debt that I built up from the vet bills by the end of January. And then start putting some money into the house, need to seriously getting the garbage off of the property, at least in the direct vicinity of the house. Not sure what my long term plans are with my home at this point, but I need to start hauling shit off.
Back to work.