Aug 18, 2008 18:24
First and foremost I would like to thank everyone, I had a great time and I hadn't seen that many people at the house since I bought it. I definitely want to do something along these lines again. Though I may need to get the horseshoes an actual pit area with sand in order to keep the games at reasonable length and spare my lawn unnecessary abuse. Also I think that I will have more stuff for the kids, I forgot to set up the croquet, and didn't bring out the frisbees either. Some input from the parents out there for next time would be much appreciated.
Devon, April, and Sandy thank you so much for straightening up. That made an already great day even better when I didn't as much to take care if afterwords.
I am off to the sofa, I'm exhausted, I think work needs to be ban mondays, otherwise I am looking at striking soon.