RP Log: Ghost Possession LOL

Aug 08, 2007 02:55

* Miles_Edgeworth peeks in, and looks around. He looks.. rather pissed off, honestly. He feels /weird/. And shorter.
* Nick_Wright tries to focus again. It's hard, though, since closing the gate took a lot out of him. "...I... think I see some older man... am I seeing things...?"
* Miles_Edgeworth is also in... pajamas? No, it's.. a gown of some kind. Something hateful is muttered in German.
[Soma] Maybe you're seeing the spirit?
* Miles_Edgeworth doesn't look at anyone as he crosses the room.
[Malus_] Ahn-! Mr. Nick?
[Nick_Wright] The... maybe?
* Nick_Wright slowly pushes himself up, but can't seem to muster the energy to get to his feet.
* Some Thing stays behind, watching with the beginnings of a grin.
[Phoenix_Wright] [more pakistani!]
* Miles_Edgeworth resumes swearing to himself in German, and ducks into a room. He's confused.. and then, there's a scream. A very horrible distinct scream.
[Nick_Wright] ?!
[Miles_Edgeworth] Oh for the love of all things Holy..
* Phoenix_Wright yelps. First he's supposed to be dead, and now people are screaming and this is bad stuff! D:
* Miles_Edgeworth storms back out, snarling.
[Leoben] Yeah. Something like that. =/
* Nick_Wright looks over at Edgeworth. His eyes widen. "V...Von Karma..."
* normal-Ivy stands up straiht and looks around. Then sighs loudly. Sounding oddly like amn elderly man. "Well. I'm blind. For now. Oh well. I've got things to do. Excuse me but which way s Gotham University?"
[Soma] That tasering bastard!
[Malus_] Mr. Nick... Miss Ivy? what's going on?
* Nick_Wright blinks and looks over to Ivy. Sees... "Ah... oh no, she's possessed too..."
* Miles_Edgeworth sounds a bit more gruff than he usually would, and glares at Nick. "How dare you address me as such!" He snaps his fingers. "I demand an explanation for.. for this foolishness!"
* Nick_Wright recoils a bit, too weak to do much else. "I... I'm sorry! I... this is all my fault!"
[Soma] You're dead
* Leoben offers Nick a hand up?
[Miles_Edgeworth] ...Hmph. This must be hell, then, for I am trapped in... this /brat's/ body.
* Nick_Wright accepts. He may lean on Leoben, though.
[Nick_Wright] Ah... I... I'm sorry, sir, if I could...?
* Leoben can be leaned on, sure.
* Malus_ holds his head.
* Nick_Wright focuses on the spirit. To the spiritually inclined, a green light seems to point to a point on Edgeworth's body. "...what?"
* Miles_Edgeworth narrows his eyes. "What are you looking at, you.." He looks from Nick, to Phoenix, and then back to Nick again. "Hmph. God, as if /one/ of you wasn't foolish enough."
* Phoenix_Wright cringes. Why is this strange young man glaring at him. ._.
[Nick_Wright] I, um... I'm not... sure?
* normal-Ivy turns to Malus an smiles. "Miss Ivy? You must mean my darling neice. Such a good girl. Hmmmmm. I should go explain things to her! She must be so angry." Uh oh Ivy is leaving.And apparently her dead Uncle is controlling her body. Bad Nexus, bad.
* Miles_Edgeworth hmphs. "Well, whatever. This body is.. as good as any, I suppose." Better than being dead. He's going to head for the door again.
[Nick_Wright] W... somebody stop her from leaving... And him! And... agh...
[Soma] W-wait, hold on a sec,
[Malus_] ...Bu... what happen to you? *looks confused*
* Nick_Wright turns towards Phoenix, who's still cringing. The light tranfers from Edgeworth to a different part on Phoenix.
* Some Thing jumps to stop Ivy?
* Phoenix_Wright slowly uncurls a bit. He blinks. And suddenly seems to jerk bodily. Those who can see spirits... suddenly sees the spirit of an old man emerge from the point where the light is on the body.
* normal-Ivy is stopped. "Young man I have things to do." Sounds like an elderly man. "Please step aside." Very polite old man!
[Nick_Wright] ?! Th... the hell?
[Soma] We have to explain something
* Miles_Edgeworth paces a bit, and scowls, mumbling in German again.
* Leoben . . . still can't do much but watch. And be leaned on, for what that's worth.
* Malus_ looks aroumd. "Is that... that bad man gone from S-soma?"
* Phoenix_Wright looks around, now horribly confused. The spirit that emerged from his body seems relieved before moving back in the direction of the gate.
[Phoenix_Wright] Uh... when did I get out here?
[Leoben] Just a few minutes ago.
[Soma] You were possessed.
* Miles_Edgeworth looks over at Phoenix. And glares. "Foolish fool. This most certainly is your fault." He snaps his fingers again.
[Phoenix_Wright] Possessed? You're kidding me, right?
* Soma is oh-so tactful.

* Phoenix_Wright blinks. "Edgeworth?"
[Soma] ...Someone with a middle-eastern sort of language I think
* Nick_Wright is staring at his magatama now.
[Miles_Edgeworth] How /dare/ you refer to me as that useless boy's name!
[Phoenix_Wright] ?!
* Some nudges her back towards the others, still silent.
* Miles_Edgeworth sounds very gruff and familiar. "I am Manfred von Karma, and I demand an explanation for this!"
[Phoenix_Wright] ...
[Phoenix_Wright] WHAT?!
* Miles_Edgeworth folds his arms and scowls. "You are quite the idiot, as ever."
* Phoenix_Wright sort of gibbers at this point.
* normal-Ivy will go back that way, young fella. But he'll have words with you yet. He has things to do. No time to waste. "Young man I have things to do." Ivy sounds like an old man. Yay.
* Some Thing just grins and nods.
* Miles_Edgeworth sounds like an old, pissed off, German man.
[Nick_Wright] Ah... I think I can explain... it's my fault. I just wanted to open a spirit gate a bit, and something else pushed back... a bunch of spirits poured out, and you must've been one of them. I'm sorry.
[Miles_Edgeworth] ...
* Nick_Wright looks dejected.
* Miles_Edgeworth glares at Nick. "You are the one who has condemned me to this wretched body."
[Miles_Edgeworth] You idiot! *fingersnap*
[Nick_Wright] Ah! I... I'm so sorry!
[Phoenix_Wright] Okay, this? Is the epitome of wrong here.
[Miles_Edgeworth] Hmph. Whatever. I have work to do.
[Nick_Wright] I... wait, you can't just use his body like...
[Miles_Edgeworth] Be gone from my sight.
[Leoben] *quietly* Nick, can you fix this?
* Miles_Edgeworth will turn and storm out.
* Nick_Wright stares at Edgeworth again. Again, the green light appears via magatama.
[Nick_Wright] I... there's that light again.
[Soma] Light?
[Nick_Wright] You... can't see it?
* House pinpointed out, at some point, because mun is zoning out.
* House has left #thesanctuary
* Miles_Edgeworth stops walking and turns to glare at Nick some more.
* normal-Ivy is now known as Normal-Ivy
[Nick_Wright] *to Von Karma, there's suddenly a very obvious route out of Edgeworth's body.*
* Leoben sees something. Not exactly a light.
* Soma narrows his eyes. "I kind of see it, its' very faint."
* Nick_Wright 's focus is lost a second at the glare, and it disappears. He frowns and refocuses. It's back.
* Phoenix_Wright looks around. Uh, wtf folks.
[Malus_] Why would ghosts want bodies?
* Miles_Edgeworth swears a bit more in German, but.. suddenly, he's out, whether he's pushed out or leaves because it's an /Edgeworth/ and apparently to von Karma they're hideously diseased. And he jerks, gasps and.. falls for the ground.
* Some snorts.
[Phoenix_Wright] Um, because you can't do much as a spirit?
[Nick_Wright] !!
* Nick_Wright can see Von Karma's spirit.
* Malus_ is looking around.
* Phoenix_Wright is WAAAAY out of his league here.
[Soma] As nasty as that guy, he doesn't seem as bad as the one that took mine.
[Nick_Wright] You... that light... it showed you the way out?
* Soma growls
[Phoenix_Wright] A spirit took your body, Soma?
* Some Thing hopes a really insane spirit shows up. Yum.
[Nick_Wright] *plenty of them dancing around the Nexus at this point!*
[Soma] Yea - I was out of my body helping Nick when that guy took mine.
[Phoenix_Wright] Oh geez.
[Soma] Until that kid did something.
* Miles_Edgeworth is on the floor. He's horribly confused right now. von Karma's spirit snorts a bit, "I suppose I should thank you. Nothing could possibly be worse than being stuck in that worthless boy's body." Good thing Edgeworth can't hear that.
* Soma toss his head towards Malus
[Nick_Wright] Uh, you're... welcome? [Asshole.]
* Miles_Edgeworth does nnng a bit, and rubs his chest. Because falling hurt really bad.
* Phoenix_Wright heads over to Edgeworth. "Edgeworth? You okay?"
* Miles_Edgeworth looks up at Phoenix, and blinks at him, pushing himself up. Wiince. "I.. think I hit my head.."
[Miles_Edgeworth] [...Again.]
* Phoenix_Wright winces. "Geez. Here, I'll help you back."
[Miles_Edgeworth] ...What happened?
* Miles_Edgeworth is better off not knowing.
* Normal-Ivy huffs. Then turns towards where 'he' thinks Nick is. "Can you wait? There are things I need to do, son."
[Phoenix_Wright] Uh... you were sleepwalking. Yeah.
[Miles_Edgeworth] ...
[Malus_] Mr. Nick?
[Nick_Wright] Eh? But I didn't really do anything.
* Miles_Edgeworth sighs. "That is all I need, really."
* Some Thing laaaaaughs silently.
* Nick_Wright looks at Malus. "Huh?"
[Malus_] Where did that bad spirit go? The one that took Soma?
* Miles_Edgeworth tries to get back to his feet, feeling dizzy and in pain while doing so.
[Malus_] He's not still here is he? *is quivering a bit in place*
* Leoben glances at Malus. "Back where it came from."
[Nick_Wright] I... I don't know. I lost track of him.
* Miles_Edgeworth looks over at Leoben and Malus with confusion.
* Phoenix_Wright helps him up. "Here..." He'll lead him back to the Clinics.
[Nick_Wright] I don't think so... shit, that's no good.
* Miles_Edgeworth lets Phoenix help him up. He'll even cling a bit to him for balance. Ugh splitting headache ftl.
* Soma looks around. "It's some creep, with four scars over one one,"
* Some is, in the kitchen, doing something that smells absolutely fantastic. Curry and veal and cardamon, oh my.
* Miles_Edgeworth is escorted back to the clinics.
[Leoben] Why not? If he's gone--
[Nick_Wright] ...then he might've gone into someone else. Someone THAT determined to be out...
[Nick_Wright] Ugh... I need to lie down a bit.
* Phoenix_Wright pauses RIGHT before he helps Edgeworth back. "...I'm sorry, could you describe that spirit again?"
[Soma] Four scars over one eye, kind of dressed like a biker.
[Soma] Abused the word 'dude'.
[Phoenix_Wright] *hurk*
[Soma] ...You know him?
[Phoenix_Wright] I know a VERSION of him, yes. *voice is very terse now*
* Leoben could've sworn he saw the spirit go back through the gate, but if it didn't-- well, frak.
[Nick_Wright] ...I don't like the sound of this.
[Soma] ... [speaking of spirits, what is with that really weird energy that Malus was surrounded with?]
[Phoenix_Wright] ...I'll tell you later. I need to get Edgeworth back now.
* Phoenix_Wright heads through the gate proper.

sanctuary, lol

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