Mar 16, 2005 12:47
well,last night was pretty cool.noel was supposed to pick me up and drop me off at the rabbit but couldnt for some i tracked down dave(parma) through people and he was able to give me a after i talked to him i skated down to walgreens to pick up a phone dad left me his cell while hes out of the country so if anyone needs to get a hold of me its 535-5751.....its only for short little calls cuz i pay as i go and if i use all the minutes i have to buy try my moms place first 930-0952.
annnnyyyways....after i got back i waited for a while and then dave,his lady friend and her friend picked me up and we all went to the was pretty cool.denied rights kicked ass,i went in the pit and soon got punched or elbowed in the took me back a bit.i saw this bright white light and i swear i fucking heard it.hahaha.i think a small piece of my beanie got hit into my eye cuz it was very watery after beanies coming apart and it was right over my sucked but it was funny.i went back in and cut my arm a bit on ramones spiked jacket.that was funny too.
i saw this other band in the backroom,i dunno the name but the lead singer was kinda small.but they were really good,i'd tell you the name if i knew it.
um,i hung out with a few people like mike deosdade,his gf,theresa,melody and alyssa for a bit.
im gonna be the bassist in this band with theresa,melody,alyssa and i think maybe art from 'Joe lawler and the mathletes'.
so after a while i went home with the same people who took me,laid down on my coutch(i cant spell right now..what the fuck?!?!)covered up in my jacket and just passed out.
its about 1 now,im watching syd until my mom picks her up around 3 or so then i think i'll be hanging out with noel and matt.
i finally started painting my jacket and whatnot.