Time for Mimes! I mean memes!

Mar 04, 2009 12:59

Oh god! Another meme! Blame my girlmeat!


My intense love of sausage and hot dogs can be traced from two sources. My Aunt Laci used to baby sit me a lot, and as my entire family is pretty much glorified white trash, I was fed a lot of hot dogs. She used to cut them 6 ways halfway down the middle to cook them, and then called them "Hot Dogtopusses". Add ketchup and mustard, use a tentacle to mix them up until it's a weird orange sauce, consume. As I got older and started buying my own food, I fell in love with beef hot dogs that were thicker and juicier. That's when I started using spicy mustard and Sauer Kraut to enhance the flavor.

The other thing contributing to my lust for such phallic delicacies; I really don't put salt on anything that I eat. Rare are the times I actually season my food once it's on the plate, wherever I get it. Because of this, sometimes I just get a craving for really salty foods, like potato chips or sausage. Sausage and brats are a plus because they're not TOO unhealthy and don't dry your mouth out.

When I spent my sojourn in Carrollton *shudder* after I graduated college, I'd spend a lot of time with my friends Dane and Wesley, drinking and eating weird foods. We all started eating beer brats, cooked in a little steam cooker with some cheap beer, and huge, thick wheat buns. When I got up to Brickstore and got to eat their Brat, it was a match made in heaven.

Great Beer

I actually didn't drink beer until I was about 22. Until I was 19 I drank virtually nothing but whiskey and bourbon, straight, out of the bottle. After a particularly bad episode I couldn't drink that anymore, so I went to vodka, gin, and other mixed drinks. More responsibility meant I had to drink a little less, or at least a little less like an alcoholic, so I switched to something that, to me, didn't have the bitter bad-soda taste of beer; cider. People who say cider is a pussy drink are assholes if they drink beer. Cider is on average far harder than beer in terms of alcohol content and it hits your stomach faster.

I ran out of cider one night and ended up drinking one of my roomates' Newcastles. The two are actually not that far apart; both crisp and full-flavored. From Newcastle I went to Guinness and also to the Brickstore Pub, where I could try all sorts of incredible stuff. Black Label got me into cheap shitty lager, but I still can't drink the light stuff. Between the Guinness and the Newcastle, I'm quite capable of drinking the extra-hoppy 'premium' beers that are too bitter for most people to stand. That, I think, is commonly what people call a 'good beer' drinker, even though it's more a tolerance than quality issue.

Obscure Music Lyrics

I like music a lot, and I like to sing a lot. This is not because I like the sound of my own voice but rather I like spoken poetry set to a tune. The lyrics to me are paramount. While a good song doesn't have to have awesome lyrics (see Steve Miller Band), it always helps, whereas sometimes lyrics don't have to have a better song and it won't really improve matters (see Visions of Johanna by Bob Dylan).

It's a quirk of my personality, but I also always have a portion of my brain dedicated to finding song lyrics to apply to current situations, especially funny ones. To everyone's benefit, I don't usually sing the ones that come to mind, but speak them in a halting fashion. It's hard to describe.

It's not that I judge people or like them less if they don't get my obscure music references, but I DO like people more if they do. It's sort of like telling a joke in another language and seeing who gets it.


I really can't say too much here. I like physical contact, I don't sweat easily, and essentially inside I'm a small puppy. Who doesn't like snuggles?


When I turned 19, I stood on top of the buildings in my town square and flicked off the whole city. From the ages of 15-19 I was getting into places where I shouldn't, including scaling the aforementioned building, a task requiring at least two people and a bucket, and some SERIOUS upper body strength. Me and my friends scampered through abandoned buildings, clambered up dilapidated roofs, and in general had a lot of fun.

Breaking my knee really put a damper on my habits however, as it's very difficult for me to climb things now. Fortunately, one of my good friends lived at the Mattress Factory, and I'd literally spend days at a time over there during school to escape the study-proof madness of my house. If you've never been, the place has a freaking awesome patio roof with an amazing view of the city, and when I'd go for a smoke break there's where I'd be.

Plus, let's be honest. I'm 5'6". Being on a roof sates my Napoleon complex.
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