insane week is insane

Feb 22, 2011 23:54

Went to NYC today, off to Philly (to visit 3 colleges in 2 days) in about 8 hours!! CRAZYYY.

Doing all this random, amazingly fun stuff on whims. I finally feel like a teenager. It's kinda BA, kinda awesome. Though catching up on all the essays, projects and general annoying work in between random adventures is no fun :P

But I DID start re-editing my fluffy Jeith fic and last night I couldn't sleep (so I ended up getting like 5 hours of it) and instead I stayed up perfecting a brand new Jeith I'm really fond of. Involving drugs and fun stuff. It'll be cool, I think XD 
But just letting you guys know, it'll be a little while more before I get around to all that!

I really need to explain myself and the weird stuff going on with a creepy boy but I already feel like I'm getting sick and I'm on pretty much no sleep! D:

But I WILL say that in our uncaffinated expedition in the Big Apple, my friends and I did conclude the following:
Celebrities & animal resemblances:
Colin Firth = penguin, but a hampster when he smiles/laughs
Keith Moon = a lemur
Paul McCartney = chipmunk (but everyone knows that XD)
Ringo Starr = Basset Hound
Geoffrey Rush = komodo dragon
Pete Townshend = heron or some sort of lizard king

Alright, officially passing out now! Night, all! <3 Prob talk to you Friday, or else after the weekend! Things are CRAZY!  *hugs all and makes mad dash to pillow*

college searching, paul mccartney, cities, vacation, nyc, jeith, animals, fanfics, keith moon, pete townshend, new york

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