She's Leaving Home (byyyeee byeeee

Jan 05, 2011 21:01

I hoped it wouldn't come down to a Hiatus Post....

....And it hasn't really! I just wanna warn everybody that Junior Year (or 11th grade for all you anti-'merkin bastards <3)  is really setting in, which means I'll really only be "on" (meaning LJ, MSN, AIM, and all those other annoying abbrevations) on certain weekends, and even then, I prob won't be staying up till 5 AM anymore.

I'm remembering what 7 hours of sleep feels like. And unfortunately, it's damn good.

I've stopped being so freakily emotional, I can think straight (more or less) and even though the stress SHOULD be piling on, seeing as I've been dumped over my head into an obscene amount of work, it really is manageable when I'm not spending 3-13 hours a day online.
It's nothing personal, I promise, just that I gotta start making sure I can get into college. It's not fair to me if I don't put all of my effort into my work this year. Slacking won't be in my vocab till sometime after my SATS, ACTs, and AP exams are over in mid-May.

But I DO have a few breaks before then when I'll prob be going LJ-crazy, cuz I still owe everyone a few thousand fics I'm still editing, including Jeith/Kit Lambert, Eric Clapton/George Harrison (yet again!), and others I'm only half aware of. XD

So I'm VERYYYY sorry to all y'all. Really. Cuz you guys have really helped me through sooooo much, you kept me sane and secure and will hopefully continue to do so.

Mais, mes cheres amies, je dois dire "au revoir" a tout le monde! D":   (fail French is fail, even when I CAN add the accent marks XD)
Feel free to talk to me anytime though! Just keep in mind that I probably won't be responding for at least a few days. :(


hiatus, school, work

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