John/Keith Oneshot is FINALLY here

Dec 04, 2010 22:32

And NOOWWWWW for the stupid fic you've all been waiting for! XD cross-posted to who_slash
My internet's been down for the past 2 days and school's been shitty, if those are enough excuses : S

Title:  Movie Night
Pairing: Jeith
Rating:  R  to be safe
Wordcount:  940
Warnings: allusions to Brokeback Mountain's naughtier scenes, kissing, talk of horniness (oh nose!)
Disclaimer: I do not own the Who because I can't even afford my own hotel bills as it is.
I don't own any rights to Brokeback Mountain and the scenes represented in this here fic have been slightly altered / overly-dramaticized

Summary:  John and Keith decide to have a Boys' Night In. But their bonding time gets them a little closer than anticipated.

John paced the hotel’s small living room restlessly, grumbling to himself, “Wonder where the others ran off to?”

I shrugged unconcernedly from my nest of pillows on the couch. “Probably shagging each other’s brains out, y’know, the usual.” My eyes were glued to the TV while I flipped through the channels desperately. “The question is, Johnny, what do YOU want to do?”

John chuckled nervously, no doubt wondering if I was implying we do the same. I could’ve sworn I spotted a bulge in his trousers before he turned away again. But it was always impossible to tell whether he was excited or if his trousers were just too tight in that region (which they always were, regardless).

I finally dropped the remote, leaving the TV on the Playboy channel.

“Want girls?” I nodded towards the screen. “I could make a few calls…”

“No, no,” John interrupted wearily. “I’m sick of birds. No girls tonight.”

I diligently switched to the On-Demand movies instead, browsing through the titles until I came across an unfamiliar one.

“Hey, John. How ’bout a Western?”

He sank down next to me. “Brokeback Mountain? The bloody fuck? Never heard of it.”

“Me neither. Weird, eh? But it looks pretty good.” I scrolled over the description. Just two cowboys trying to make a living, what could be so bad about that?


He settled down next to me.

“Well, you gonna buy the damn thing?”

I shrugged.

“If you want me to,” I said, having already clicked it, adding $10 to the hotel bill. I was already internally planning how to dispose of the TV once the movie finished and rendered it useless.

John flicked off the lamp next to us. He was all about atmospherics. It could really get on your nerves sometimes.

But not right now.

I gotta admit, while John’s an easy man to admire, it’s also quite easy to get irritated by him. We were only growing closer by the day, despite us being complete opposites.

But I guess all friendships are based on differences. Though I really wouldn’t know; I’ve never had a friend like John before.

“Effing love westerns,” he breathed, making me jump back into my skin.

“Me too,” I agreed, grinning as we glanced at each other. A smile crawled across his lips. He really did have the most wonderful smile. It’s truly a shame so few people get to see it.

The movie seemed to drag on for an eternity. It was almost painful, but at least the scenery was nice. It was no California, but then, what was? I was almost going to ask John if I could turn it off.

And then it happened.

Both our mouths dropped.

The cowboys were suddenly groping each other, kissing roughly, practically shoving each other’s pants down.

Despite the darkness, I could still see John’s erection straining against his tight trousers, though I suppose that wasn’t exactly an easy thing to miss.

My own pants began to tighten as I bashfully averted my eyes, stealing a glimpse at John every so often.

Their groans recapitulated even louder against the walls, as if purposely aiming to maximize the awkwardness, until finally, FINALLY, the scene was over.

We both sighed in relief, glancing at one another when we thought the other wasn’t looking.

But it wasn’t over yet.

A few scenes later, the cowboys were half-nude again. And kissing.

I could feel John’s eyes running over me, though he appeared to be fascinated with his own knees whenever I returned his gaze. He slowly took his hands out of his pockets, realizing that it was now useless to hide his arousal; we both knew our pants were in the similar conditions, even if John’s were filled with quite a bit more.

“Moonie,” he murmured gently, turning away from the kissing men to gaze into my eyes. He seemed as nervous as I was, though there was an intensity in his blue eyes that I had never seen before.

I leaned in without meaning to.

“John.” Somehow it ended up coming out more like a moan than a response.

He blinked and turned back to the screen again. “Er, it’s nothing,” he mumbled. A simple ‘oh’ stumbled from my lips. Surprisingly, I sounded disappointed. But maybe I was.

The only noise was the cowboys’ lips sliding against each other’s skin.

It’s gonna get really awkward really soon, I thought.

Wrong as usual.

Next thing I knew, John’s lips smothered mine as he pulled me into a heated kiss.  He groaned, clinging to my hair while his warm tongue lapped at my front teeth.

Sounds I’d never even heard before darted from my mouth and escaped into his.

I struggled to breathe in through my nose, but the smell of John only intoxicated me further. I finally pushed him away, panting heavily and gazing into those apologetic blue eyes that can’t seem to look at me.

The cowboy was now confusedly zipping up his jeans, his expression matching John’s, dripping guilt and regret.

“J-Just wondered what it was like, is all,” John murmured, slowly turning back to the movie. My breath caught in my throat.

“Well, what was it like?” I asked urgently.

His eyes swiveled to search my face.

His answer was painstakingly delayed and I almost wished I hadn’t asked, but I’d have died of curiosity otherwise.

“It was like…” He seemed to need to think about it great deal.

“It was like the most wonderful moment of my life.” He gazed determinedly at the screen and took my hand with a squeeze, not letting go until the movie was long over.

movies, brokeback mountain, the who, fanfic, jeith

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