Beatle Randomness

Jul 07, 2010 01:46

Oh, forgot to mention (and I feel spamming f-lists atm) that I'm working on a kazillion fics atm, mostly Beatles, though one or two of the Who as well. I had the freakiest dream the other night and I'm thinking of warping that into a fic as well (only changing Ringo and the Beatles into some sort of Jeith ;D)

Own a Beatle Blanket? I'D KILL FOR ONE!
Own a Beatle record player? DUDDDDDE. WHAT? Those EXIST?! *saves up* XD
Have Beatle pictures in your locker? Nope. Used to in my backpack though
Celebrate Beatle Birthdays? HELLS YEAH. Almost more than mine! XD
Dream almost every night about The Four? Uhhh no. Hardly ever actually :( And when I do, it's almost always about Paul :(
Wish you lived in the 60’s? UNNNF YESSSSSS. Only think about that every single breathing living second of my teenage life. Was meant to be born in the '40s, but I guess some people up there don't like deadlines...
Claim you are married to one of them? Do you even know me? At school, whenever I see a pic of the Beatles, I point to Geo and tell everyone proudly, "He's my dead husband."
Own Beatle figures? Pshhh, sadly no.
Have a pet with a Beatle related name? I wanted to name my cat Ringo, but... : /

This or That:
Cynthia or Yoko? Pshhh, that even a question? CYN! 
Patti or Olivia? Again, WTF. PATTIE is the best
Linda or Jane? Linda <3 Because she's beautiful and veggie goddess
Maureen or Barbra? Mo!
Beatle Boots or Beatle wigs? Beatle Boots are SO badass 8D
George’s accent or Paul’s love-song voice? Can't beat George's voice <3 It's so gorgeous
Ringo’s rings or John’s harmonica? John's harmonica
A Hard Days Night or Help!? A Hard Day's Night
Revolver or Rubber Soul? Revolver
Blackbird or Here Comes The Sun? Ahhh, tough! Here Comes the Sun though
George or John? GEORGE
Paul or Ringo? Paul
Ringo or George? GEORGE 
Paul or John? Ahhh! So hard! I guess Paul? But I'm in a John mood atm
John or Ringo? Gotta say John, though in the long run, they're in an eternal tie XD
Paul or George? GEORGE. Seeing any pattern yet?
George’s body or Paul’s lips? ffffuhhh. George's body, yes please! 8D *takes*
John’s wit or Ringo’s cuteness? John's wit. Nothing can beat that. NOTHING! Except George being George, lol
John’s nose or Ringos nose? Ringo's, cuz it's a classic trademark. XD
Cellophane flowers or Poppys from a tray? Cellophane flowers for its imagery and uniqueness
1962-1966 or 1967-1970? 1962-1966, though I don't really like '62-63 too much
Let it be or Please Please Me? Eww, neither, but Please Please me I guess XD
Aunt Mimi or Julia? Aunt Mimi I guess? She really DID mean well, I think, though she was a complete bitch. : (  But at least she was always there for John.

Random Beatle Questions:
If you lived in the 60’s and John Lennon walked up to you, what would you do? Probably act real cool: 1) FREAK OUT AND FANGIRL AND SQUEEEEE  and then 2) faint anticlimactically  XDDD
If Paul McCartney proposed, would you accept? Uhhh YESSSSS. WHO WOULDN'T! 8D
If you were sitting at home and Ringo Starr called you over for tea, would you go? Hahaha, HOLYNESS YESSSS.
If you lived in the 60’s and George asked you on a date, what would you say? I'd probably cry and/or DIE of complete happiness before I could say yes, haha

This song or that song?
Across the Universe or Old Brown Shoe? Old Brown Shoe. The most underrated Beatles song EVER
Please Please Me or Love Me Do? Love Me Do - harmonica <3
Taxman or While My Guitar Gently Weeps? While My Guitar <3
Shes Leaving Home or When I’m Sixty-Four? When I'm Sixty-Four
I Will or Here, There and Everywhere? I Will!!
If I Fell or I’ll Be Back? If I Fell
Let it Be or The Long and Winding Road? LET IT BE (my fave Beatles song)
For You Blue or Something? GUHHHH. TOO HARD. CAN'T EVEN.
Within You and Without you or Love You To? Once again, GUHH. XD But Love You To because George singing "I'll make love to you / if you want me to" and "make love all day long / make love singing songs". Nuff said
Honey Pie or Wild Honey Pie? Honey Pie!
Rocky Raccoon or Why Don’t We Do it in the Road? hehehe, cannot pick. But actually Rocky Raccoon for mysterious reasons unheard XD
Julia or Hey Jude? Hey Jude, as obnoxious as it is
In My Life or Blackbird? In My Life... makes me cry :S
Yesterday or Eight Days A Week? Yesterday. Too quoteable.

People on Your Beatleness:
Do people ever make fun of you because of your obsession? Yep
Has someone envied you because of your obsession? No
Do elderly people often ask ‘You like The Beatles'? No, sadly
Has someone ever told you that the Beatles suck? X_X Only like every week at school
Do people find you interesting due to your obsession? Yeah, think so :)
Have people ever asked you to burn a album for them? Well, share music, yes, all the time
Have you ever converted someone onto the Beatles? Yeah, like 5 people XD
Has someone ever told you 'Don’t you know that John/George is dead’? Yeah, it's one of the reasons I "broke up" with my bff in jr. high XD Only reminded me that twice or so each day :'(
Have you ever gotten in a long ongoing conversation with an older person about The Beatle? YESSS, it's SO much fun, lol
Do you get upset when people make fun of them? Not usually, unless they're bitches
Has someone ever asked you aren’t they all dead’? Ughhh, EVERYONE X_X
Do you try to rub off your Beatleness onto other people? Yeah, but I don't push em
Do people often ask you about the fab four? Yeah, guess so XD

meme, survey, fangirling, the beatles, george harrison

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