Beatles Meme - Day 3

May 25, 2010 21:47

30 Day Beatle Challenge

Day 01- Your Favorite Beatle
Day 02- Your Favorite Beatles song(s)
Day 03- Your Favorite Beatles movie
Day 04- Your favorite Beatles quote
Day 05- A Beatles song that makes you cry
Day 06- A Beatles song that always cheers you up
Day 07- A Beatles photo that makes you happy

OMG. A Hard Day's Night!!!!!!! One of the best movies I have EVER seen. Probably my 3rd favorite movie of all time (after Forrest Gump and Love Actually). Seriously, EVERY SINGLE LINE in that movie makes me smile or giggle or squeal like the little fangirl I am. It's IMPOSSIBLE to have a favorite line. I quote it often and quite randomly, and no one ever gets what I'm talking about, but it still makes me happy. XD I think it's literally impossible to be sad or angry after seeing that movie for the billionth time. <3

Plus, it's epic gif material ;D  The lads never looked more gorgeous. Unless they did. Which is entirely possible. XD


And oh Ringo's nose, another mysterious Harribrows sighting :O  You're welcome, lurverly George peoples ;D  Anybody feel like having a Beatles quote party? XD

movies, pics, gifs, quotes, the beatles, hard day's night

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