Some Fannish Stuff

Jan 17, 2011 23:52

 Since I've started friending people on here, I feel like it's time that I actually use this journal for something (semi)productive. I mean, I will probably continue to lurk and stalk people here on LJ, but since I haven't used my 750 words account in a while, maybe I'll write about some stuff on here to keep track and keep up with pop culture stuff.

So. Mom and I went to see "The Fighter" last weekend. No spoilers here, but I liked it a lot. I don't think you necessarily need to be a sports fan to enjoy it. Mark Wahlberg and Christian Bale really killed it. My mom liked Bale's performance better, but as he said while accepting his Golden Globe last night, it's easy to get attention when you have the "louder" role. Wahlberg had a more understated performance (IMO), but he really made an impact. Melissa Leo and Amy Adams were great, too. Mom didn't like Adams, but I was impressed, especially since the last thing I saw with her was probably "Enchanted." I think my mom also related more to Leo because, well, she's a mom, she gets all that complicated "dealing with your kids' crap." The only other supporting actor role that I saw was Jeremy Renner in "The Town" (he was great, too), so it's hard for me to judge if Bale was really the best or not. This actually happens every single year; I rarely see most of the movies that were nominated for award, so I'm not big on giving my opinions on who should win (although I'm almost always right about who does win, I tend to absorb pop culture chatter very easily).

Moving onto the Golden Globes: I actually planned a whole rant in my head before, when I was in the shower. Suffice it to say that I've forgotten most of it, but I think it boiled down to: learn how to take a joke, Hollywood. Yeah, some of Ricky Gervais's jokes were mean. Guess what, nobody in Hollywood bats a thousand. Everyone's made at least one movie that sucked. If you don't like people mocking you for it, or for your ridiculous off-screen antics, then be more careful when you choose movies and avoid the tabloids. I haven't seen "The Tourist," but every person I know who did didn't find it great. That doesn't mean that Angelina Jolie isn't a good actress; it means that she made a movie that's probably been mocked by others and was chosen by Gervais to be the butt of a joke. Let him say it, and get over it. I don't see people making a fuss about the Hugh Hefner joke; why, because he's not Hollywood Royalty, so mocking him is perfectly okay? If Gervais had started making fun of the cast of Jersey Shore, I bet plenty of people would have laughed and clapped, because those individuals aren't up on Hollywood's pedestal, safe from any kind of criticism.

Woo, that turned into a rant. Sorry, but it really bothers me that some people seem to be taking the attitude of, "how dare he come to our party and then insult us for the dumb things we do/have dumb." He's Ricky Gervais; what did the Hollywood Foreign Press expect? I noticed how he disappeared in the second half of the telecast and I was pretty disappointed not to see more of him. Keep trucking, Ricky, we still love you.

I watched "Inception" for the second time today, my first rewatch since I saw it in theaters. My knee-jerk response is two-fold: one, Christopher Nolan, can I just climb inside your brain and hang out for a while; and two, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, get in me now. I forgot a lot of stuff from my first viewing, but I liked it just as much the second time around. I actually have it on Blu-Ray, and I'd like to see the version with commentary, where Nolan et al. explain how the scenes were filmed. I was sure that if I went downstairs to watch it that B3 (Brother #3) would come home and interrupt, so I didn't even bother. Of course, he's still not home, so that was not my smartest decision.

Raced through the first four episodes of the latest season of "Doctor Who" last week. I downloaded the rest tonight, I'm determined to finish Season 5 before classes start again next week. I'm liking the series, and Matt Smith, a lot. I have to confess that I bawled my eyes out during Tennant's last two episodes, but I didn't have a knee-jerk "hate!" reaction when Smith was announced. Still no spoilers, but I think he's done a good job of encapsulating all the different facets of the Doctor in his portrayal. Amy Pond...I want to say something more profound than, she is gorgeous, homg freckles, but I can't ATM. Well, I can say that she was wonderful in "The Beast Below." I really haven't disliked a companion or a doctor since the reboot (I didn't like Atstrid in that episode between series 3 and series 4, but that was it). I'm really looking forward to the rest of the series. I also have the first episodes of Skins (the UK version), Misfits, and the latest BBC adaptation of Sherlock. Hopefully, I'll enjoy all of them, because I hear great things (mostly on tumblr), although I doubt I'll get through all the series before school.

Real life didn't work today, so I forced him to drive me to the grocery store when I (finally) got up. Then, in the car, he was like, "do you want to come with me, I need to go look at a car." For about two seconds, I got ridiculously, stupidly excited that he was going to buy me a car. Then he said, "I need a manual, diesel car to take to Greece with me when I retire. Hopes- dashed. We went to the Volkswagen pre-owned dealership and I drooled over everything. I think he's going to get a new Jetta with a manual transmission, running on diesel. He said that if I learn stick shift, I can drive it before he moves away. I am hoping that he eventually decides to just give it to me, but that'll probably never happen. I can dream.

Up next! If I can figure out how, I'm going to make one of those voice posts so everyone can hear my ridiculous New York accent (ok, it's not that bad). Really, it'll just be a bunch of me going, "I don't really sound like this!"

the fighter, ricky gervais is the man, inception, the golden globes, real life invades, doctor who

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