Jul 26, 2004 23:35
Today was another one of those boring summer days! So all I did was go and ride my bike around the neighborhood for like 2 hours and then came home and wawtched tv. I mean nothing exciting happened really. So i wawtched 4 movies today. I watched Moulion Rouge, Ace Ventura Pet Detective, Shrek, and A Beautiful Mind. They are all movies I have seen at least 8 times, but thats ok. So now its like 11:30 at night and for some reaosn Im tired. I woke up at 9:30. So i should not be tired but I am. So I guess that I will have to go to sleep soon. ne way.. I am sorda kinda ready for school to start. I want to know who all is in my class and I just dont want to be stuck at home bored. So its kinda suprising that I actually want to go. I am ready for open house. I want to know how my whole schealdule is worked out. So it is alright. I am going to go to sleep now. i will write again soOn, PeAcE- Me