What a great comm this is! Active and interesting! So many POTC comms are wavering, its really nice to see some frequent update action. ;P
The name is Red, and although normally I am not partial to villians, Cutler Beckett is a fantastic study for a character, and found himself being one of my favourite characters, amongst the likes of Davy Jones, Norrington, Barbossa, and Calypso. Ironically enough, my favourite pairing of all time within the POTC fandom is the powerplay between Jones and Beckett. ;p (Is there even a name for that pairing yet? Dackett? Eh...?) Right now I'm struggling though a fanfic idea for them.
So, I slaved on this odd little video. Sweating considerably out of fear to WHYTHEHELLDOESTHISEXIST and also HELLISWAITINGFORME, but it was finally done.
Warning: Themes are a strong P-13, for safety. Also implication of Octobeard for uses other then fabulous organ playing.
Info And Vid
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Two men fight for the upperhand. Feelings of past tragedies and jealousy creep into play. Feautures shades of Tia Dalma/Jones as well. Also, SMUG!Beckett. Lots of him.
0:19 TO
0:26 - Beckett discovers the love letters surronding the chest. Interested, he decides to use them for future mockery in terms of Jones.
2:25 to
2:51 - Davy Jones decides to reassert some authority by more....crude measures.
Hope that cleared up some of the more vaguer parts. I think the rest is clear though. Features a jealous Calypso, who is vengeful for more then Davy's first betrayal. And Jones is torn between his broken love for Tia Dalma and his complex dynamic with Beckett.