Note: fixed format, eek!!
Wordcount: 2,197
Pairing: Speckett
Disclaimer: Not mine, disney’s
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The nephew of Lord Beckett discovers things he never knew about his uncle and sets out on a quest to find the legendary Jack Sparrow, before it’s too late.
Author’s Note: Hehe, I live! I’m writing this on holiday at my nana’s. My own
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Ahem, that aside, wow. Little Cutty is exactly like his uncle, both in looks and personality.
I love how you slipped 'cuttlefish' into there!
Honestly, I wouldn't dare!
Thanks for the nice comments - speaking of Cuttlefish, someone said to me the other day, that the most intelligent creatures in the sea were squid and cuttlefish - Davy and Beckett! ^___^
If he's single you've gotta make a stab at it! I mean, this is a Norrie-a-like! It's the chance of a lifetime, man.
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