Apr 10, 2005 12:32
Birthday| Aug. 15
Age| 13
Age you act| n e one wana comment on this- lol
Birthplace| Clinton Twp. MI
Current location| shelby township
Zodiac sign| Leo
Righty or lefty| Righty
Number of siblings| none
Are your parents still together?| yup
Who do you live with?| Daddy, Mommy, and my kitty
Have any pets?| one kitty
Part 2 -- Appearance
Height| 5short
Shoe size| 4
Hair color| brrown
Hair length| uhm….past my shoulders
Eye color| Hazel
Glasses/contacts?| contacts
Piercings| twone per ear
Tattoos| none
Scars| i don't count
Braces| NONE!!!
Part 3 -- Favorites
Color| blue then pink
Number| 9, 15, 52
Book| i have a few faves
Movie| too many to name…
Actor| idk…
Actress| idk…
TV show| Full House, American Idol
Video Game| DDR
Store| the mall n kohl's
Animal| kitties, froggies, duckies
Season| Summer
Cereal| Kroger thingy
Website| idk
Cartoon/character| uhm!
Food| i have a lot
Flower| Roses
Scent| Warm Vanilla Sugar
Restaurant| Andiamo's
Candy| idk…a lot!
Quote|U GOt it dude!!!!!
Part 4 -- Music
Favorite genre| prolly rock
Least favorite genre| rap
Favorite band/singer/artist| a few ppl
Favorite song| lots
How many CDs do you have?| too manyy
Last CD you bought| ummm
What are you currently listening to, or last listened to?| random music on my MP3
Do you download music?| nope
Do you play an instrument?| yeah
If so, what one(s)| piano
Part 5 -- Love and Relationships
Straight/gay/bi?| straight
In a relationship?| nope
If so, who and how long?| i said no
If not, how long have you been single?| a long time
Do you have a Crush?| no
Do you believe in love at first sight?|i guess
What do you look for in a guy/girl?| umm good personality and not an idiot
What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?| nice or not
What hair color do you like?| usually brown.. but w/e looks good on the person i guess
Is there a difference between 'love' and 'in love'?| if u want there to be a differnece
Have you ever felt either? What one? How many times?| prolly not - no
Do you prefer to date people younger, older, or the same age as you?| same age
Do you believe in fate?|idk yet
What about soul mates?| yeahh
Still a virgin?| yupp
If not, how old were you?| i am
Part 6 -- Have you ever...
Snuck out of the house?| no
Snuck a guy/girl into your room?| nope
Been out of the country you reside in?| yah
Had surgery?| no
Been arrested?| no
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?| yah
Been betrayed?| idk
Had a dream that came true?| yes
Gone to school only to find out you had the day off?|no- but that would be funny
Gone skinny dipping?| nope
Gotten the chicken pox?| ya
Part 7 - When was the last time you...
Brushed your teeth?| this morningg
Went to the bathroom?| like 20 min ago
Watched a movie? What was it?| ummm---Somethin @ Laurens party
Saw a movie in theatres? What movie?| The Pacifier
Read a book?| today
Made fun of someone?| no
Went to the grocery store?| idk
Got sick?| um…2 weeks ago
Cursed?| long time ago
Got into a fight/argument?| yesterdayy
Went to a concert?| never
Asked a friend for relationship advice?|never
Downloaded something? What was it?| idk
Part 8 -- This or That
Pepsi/Coke| Root beer
McDonalds/Burger King| nither- mby McDonalds
Chocolate/vanilla| Chocolate
Burgers/hot dogs| Burgers
Fruits/veggies| fruits
Lights on/lights off| idk
TV/movies| both…
Pillows/blankets| pillows
Summer/winter| summer
Snow/rain| neither
Meat/veggies| meat
Cake/pie| cake
Outdoors/indoors| depends what its like outside
Blonde/brunette| brunnette
Ocean/swimming pool| either
Hugs/kisses| both
Wallet/pocket| umm...
Cat/dog| cat
Long sleeves/short sleeves| short
Pants/shorts| shorts
Doughnuts/bagels| both
Day/night| both
Make love/have sex| wierd questions- i am telling u- lol
Part 9 -- Do you...
Believe in yourself?| sure
Want to go to college?| yah
Want to get married?| yes
Want to have children?| yes
If so, how many?| idk yet
Believe in aliens?| y not??
Think you're good looking?| no not really
Un-tie your shoes every time you take them off?| never
Plan on moving anywhere in the near future?| not the near future no
If so, when, where?| I said no
Get along with your parents?|for the most part
Get along with your siblings?| no siblings
Sing in the shower?| yup
Have any secrets?| of course
Regret doing/not doing anything in life?| sure
Part 10 -- What is your opinion on...
Reality TV?| funny- yet stupid
Eminem?| annoyingg
Religion?| gotta believe in somthing
Valentine's Day?| cute
Interracial relationships?| i guess its ok
Obesity?| sad
Death penalty?| good for some ppl
Prostitution?| losers
Marijuana?| more losers
Other drugs?| same as above
Alcohol?|legal drinking age ppl
Gay marriage?| eww…gross and wrongg
Illegal immigrants?| w/e
Drunk driving?| dumbb
Cloning?| interesting…?
Premarital sex?| your choice again.. comes with consequences
The war in Iraq?| had to be done
George Bush?| good president
Downloading music?| illegal…but w/e
The legal drinking age?| ppl don’t follow it- lol- but good i guess
Suicide?| itnever do tht- get help
Love?| is love
Part 11 -- Randomness
What color is your tooth brush?| whibrite green
What's on your desktop?| tulips
Your first thought when you wake up| Your greatest accomplishment| idk- hasn't happened yt- idk??
Something you want to do| go to college, valedictorian
What size bed do you have?| twin
What do you normally sleep in?| my pajamas
Do you dream a lot?| i guess
What was your last dream/nightmare?| uhm
Would you ever sky dive?| yeah
Are you talking to anyone right now?|noope- i am away
When was the last time you cried?| idk
What is one thing that annoys you most?| lotz of thingss
Name three things you 'can't live without'|food, family, friends
Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?| everyone hates something about them
What do you like the most about your body?| umm.. i have no clue
And the least?| mysame as above
The last time you talked on the phone| yesterday i thnk
What did you last eat?| pancakes
How are you feeling?| ok
What day is it?|April 10
What time is it?| 12:49