Jul 22, 2005 17:29
today was so funn!!
me kevin alyssa john wade and ben all went swimming lol we jumped offf the cliff and i about fell off of it! scary!! then me and lyssa and john were like hanging out on some random rock and kevin was throwing rocks and he hit me with like the huge rock and now my leg where he hit me is black and blue and it hurts!!:( lol
My friend heather is coming over tonight THEN WERE GOING TO KEVINS!!
lol i feel bad i havent hung out with my friends in forever!! i am tomorrow night tho Joel got us sky box tickets to the Barrons game so were all goin!
KEVIN BLANKENSHIP im gonna beat you up for hitting me with a rock and pushing me off the couch lol i could have also kicked your butt in the baseball game to!! i just didnt know how to play! jk you rock
hmm i miss some people since the summer has been out ♥
oh yea the car news is im looking for something better then the cougar and if i dont find anything i like better then i get the cougar!!