Title: Music of my heart
Character: Jung Yunho
Art: manga-fied
A/N: I haven't written or drawn in a while.. Was looking through my folder of over a billion DBSK images and came across Yunho's photo of when he had long hair so I decided to doodle a bit. I'm probably one of the weird ones who thought Yunho looked beautiful with long hair LOL. Comments and Criticism are ❤❤❤
Gosh, I loved drawing his mole... ergh, the man is clearly too perfect for words/pencil. Reference of his hair below ❤ (I didn't want to draw him without a shirt on, like the one in the reference pic... so I added clothes and drew him listening to music. ^^)
A/N: Hope you all liked it! ^^ (and hopefully I'll be back within this week to update my fanfic.. -___-;;;) Comments and Criticism are ❤❤❤