Dec 14, 2004 21:48
I have spent a million years going through xanga blogrings looking for cool icons
most deal with specific ways that I feel and I'll probably never use or only use once..but o.w.
they're all too big for my aim icon....which doesn't actually currently exist...
my new sn is cutieq07....cutieq was already taken and i just added 07 for the year I graduate high school.
easy to remember though
and note for all those in the Irish mafia (you know who u are) the headquarters have been moved to sector 946, station 15 (english translation: room 9 3/4 at RM which is really the hallway b/w rooms 9 and 10...I sit 3/4 of the hall away from room 9 and 1/4 away from room 10 at lunch therefore: room 9 3/4)
and the newly renovated offices have been moved from sector 831, section 78 to sector 766, section 72 (english translation: last year the offices were at my locker and this year my locker moved: hence the "newly renovated offices")
that's why i also have this new icon
if any non-member of the Irish mafia would like to join you only have to contact me and pass an exam to become a member...then you must be taught all the secrets of the mafia
and yes it extends across all borders (we control the world mind you)
so sorry if I just destroyed anyone's dreams of world domination...believe's already been done
do you want fries with that?