Feb 04, 2004 22:21
Nothin to say been on sum depressed shyt...got my mom tellin meh im to fat for nething i weigh 105?? HeYlo we dunt get along i hate her. im guna runway soon b/4 i kill her. we dunt get along, and she told meh i was a mistake n she hates meh n she cant wait till i die.. iiight iight to can play this game
Even tho ill Cry, i have to do wuh i have tah do. Fur miiself to be true. i have to say goodbye to you.Thank Yoo Fur Evrything, like i said, its not that i want to but i have to.. im sorry, even tho everything seems perfect and everything is wonderful, it jus wasnt ment to be this way. Mii Hearts just not in tha Right Place, or maybe it is and i dunt notice, i like wuh we have togather it jus doesnt feel tru.
teddy bears rockin chairs.....ITs not fair wen loves not there ..to share these treasures wit meh.. Reflection shows.. wuh noone knows.. all alone ..on mi own.. waitn by tha phone but i no u wont call 4meh.. cuz even tha clouds can see its ova..and they can feel tha hurt inside. so if tha sun comes out will we be alryte?..come back for meh one more tymn
take mii lonely be mii only.
Beth wuh can i say...i cant trust u personally..but i still do. i love u and fureva will. We maii never Beh tha BestOfFriends again, but ill alwaiz beh here for u.