Term 4

Jan 04, 2011 16:48

I started my last term today. It's been a long haul, and I'm glad to be on the last leg. Courses got a lot harder in this second year. I pity the former Karen, naive first year student who thought she had it so hard. Oh, so young. So unaware.

I'm happy with my marks from last term, even though they aren't all in the pluses. I hope I can do just as well this term.

Intermediate Accounting 1 - A
Accounting Software - A+
Entrepreneurship 1 - A
Management & Organizational Behaviour - A+
Business Finance - A
Quantitative Methods - A+

Classes this term include:
Intermediate Accounting 2
Cost Accounting
Management Information Systems
Securities Investments
Business Law
Entrepreneurship 2

Yey! Don't those sound..... fun. :P

I'm already thinking about jobs. I'm going to start searching around and finding out what I need to know about job opportunities. I plan to perfect my resume. Hopefully I'll win some more awards. That always looks good.

Anyway, that's all I had to say. Just a school update. That's all. You may return to your previously scheduled activities.
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