So, since it seems that I only update when I have something school related to talk about, I thought I would continue with that tradition and post an update about what's going on there.
Second year is well under way. It's half way into the 3rd term (or 1st term of the second year, whichever you prefer) and I have to say.. things are a whole lot tougher this year.
The accounting major is ridiculously hard. Not anything like accounting was last year. I was a bit panicked about it a few weeks ago, but things are starting to come together. This week is midterms and as of this afternoon I'm done 4/6 exams. Tomorrow is Quantitative Methods (the advanced stats course) and EP is on Friday (the business project course).
I studied like a mofo all this past weekend for accounting. I'm hoping to get a half decent mark, but I'm not expecting to do as well as I did last term.. not even close. I'm a little anxious to see what I got on the midterm.. but on the other hand, I kind of don't want to know.
It helps that I have a good support group at school. A lot of people from my class last year are in my classes this year. Last year, because I was in the "late intake" group that started in January I was in the same classes with the same people for the full year (8 months). This September we started our second year and were merged with all of the students (180ish?) that had started the previous September, so there are a bunch of new faces (although I'm starting to get to know them now).
But anyway, like I said a lot of people from my class last year also went into the accounting major, so I have people I can bounce ideas off of and set up study groups with. Most of these people are smart and motivated, so they're really helpful.
I'm not 100% sure if I'm going to go on to get my accounting designation after this course, but I'm keeping that option open. One reason is because it will be expensive to get, but also because it's.. actually really hard, and I'm not sure if I'm up to the challenge of working full time while taking courses (which will probably span the next three years) at the same time. Especially when they say you need to devote about 20 hours a week to each course (which is why it takes so long to get the designation on a part time basis.. you take one course at a time).
Even though the accounting major is hard I'm planning on sticking with it, because I figure it's better to get through this program with a diploma at the end of it AND be set up to pursue other options, if I choose, rather than just the diploma.
I kind of went into more detail above than I originally intended. What I really wanted to post about is... I won another award!! YEY!
This award is more special than the last one because I didn't have to apply for it. I was selected based solely on my academic achievement (and not financial need, as many other awards take into consideration). I received 1 of only 3 awards given out to the 400+ students entering their second year in the Business Admin program at both the Princess and Notre Dame campuses. One of my friends from my class last year also won one of the awards. She also had a 4.5 GPA. We had a pretty smart class.
So yeah.. I'm happy that all that all that hard work paid off in more than just personal satisfaction (Oh, it was for $500, by the way).
I could go on about a few other things I'm finding really interesting about this year, but I think I'll spare everyone. It's probably not as interesting to people outside the program. :P