Books n Things

Nov 22, 2009 22:13

So, besides shopping I have been keeping a bit busy in a few (superficial) ways.

I've been continuing the Hilltop studies, which have turned out to be quite a nice bit of supplementary income. To date I've earned $805. Not bad at all.
On the flip side, I haven't been getting much work through Pinnacle. I had an info session at Red River for the Business Admin program on Friday from 1pm-2pm. My contact through Pinnacle tried calling me at 1:03pm, 1:05pm and 1:47pm. By the time I called her back at 2:05pm she told me that she had a one day job for Monday available, but since she wasn't able to get a hold of me she filled it with somone else. Ugh. It's not like I was really doing anything else important that day. ANY other time I would have been able to answer the phone. So frustrating. :/

I've been continuing to read a whole lot. Here's a bit of a "What I've been reading" update. I'm sure I've missed a book or two... or maybe it just seems like I've been reading more. Ahh well.

Dewey: The Small-town Library Cat Who Touched the World - Vicki Myron
Now, I had mentioned this book towards the end of my last book update and said that it wasn't really turning out to be very interesting, but all in all it was alright. The story turned out to be more than just the cat. It was written by the director of the library and talked quite a bit about her life and the small town that the library is in. It was heartwarming, and yes, I cried at the end.

The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood
This book was recommended by a friend who told me it was one of her very favorites. I had heard about it, and had seen it on various "Essential Reads" lists, but I really didn't know what it was about. I really enjoyed the book. It's very much like 1984, in that it focuses on a time when society has completely changed from how we know it to something completely different. However, in this society it's mostly women who are affected. If you liked 1984, I would recommend you read this one.

The Tale of Hawthorn House and The Tale of Briar Bank - Susan Wittig Albert
The two most recent books in the Cottage Tales series (also talked about in my last entry). This series is really starting to grow on me and I'm really loving it. The most recent book was released in September, but it's not yet available at the Library. One the of the things I love about this series is that, because it's based on Beatrix Potter's real life there are things they are working up to which really happened. Namely the fact that she marries one of the other characters in the book. Their relationship so far in the book has been developed painfully slow. Just get on with the romance already! :)

Twenties Girl - Sophie Kinsella
I love Kinsella's books and I devoured this one. The book is about a girl who becomes haunted by the ghost of her great aunt after attending her funeral. The book is cute and lighthearted like the rest of Kinsella's books. Shopaholic fans will certainly enjoy it. :P

Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austen
Although I did enjoy the book, I have to say that I liked Pride and Prejudice much more. The stories were similar (both focus on young girls of upper-middle class society and the men who court them), but I didn't connect as much with the ladies in this book as I did with those in P&P. Elizabeth Bennet was confident and assured, and Elinor Dashwood is quiet and prim and.. just not as interesting.

I'm really looking forward to the new year and starting classes. I'm looking forward to testing myself and seeing what I can do. I really want to do well. Hopefully I will.

Usually by this time of the year I'm starting to get into the Christmas spirit, but so far I have really no desire to start getting ready. I haven't done any Christmas shopping and I have decorated. The only Christmas music I've listened to so far has been those which we've been working on in Choir. Oh, we're going to be performing a couple times before the Christmas season. Once at the Forks and another proper Christmas concert. I'll post the dates at some point in the near future if anyone's interested. Forks would probably be more fun because you could actually wander off and do other things intead of staying the whole time. However, there may be danties at the Christmas concert, so the choice is yours. :P
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