Jan 19, 2006 15:51
funny article kiks showed me from THE PEAK (school newspaper)
People Leave Because You're Ugly
by Warren Haas
One thing i noticed when i walk around campus is the large majority of students who are walking to classes alone. SFU is renowned for being a commuter campus so I just assume all these people come up, go to class, and then go home. Alone/ Many of us have speculated as to why this is, but i am here to thoe down an entoirely new idea: SFU students don't think they are pretty enough. Boys and girls. I am referring to.
Perhaps most of them are too focused on their studies to give themselves a look over in the bathroom mirror before they leave for school, or perhaps they are students that live in residence and thusly do not even realize that they are in sweatpants and sandals before they step into lecture. i would assume once these peple start thinking they are not dressed their best they become shy and do the SFU slouch-and-head-hang-walk that is so popular up here between classes. Maybe it's because there is so much concrete on campus that people simply are not motivated to look nice when they enter the for-infested fortress.
i think i have a solution for all this: SFU needs more mirrors up on campus. im not talking about square-sized bathroom mirrors; i'm talking about full-length head-to-toe mirrors plastered across the walls of the AQ. Besides the fact that it would give the campus a feeling like you were in some sort of funhouse or mirror maze, it would also let SFU students actually check themselves out. People would have more confidence if they could see how they look or fix their make-up or move the dreaded side-ponytail to its rightful place behind the head.
a campus of mirrors would also allow people who wandered into school wihtout thinking about what they were wearing to realise they had better make an effort tomorrow if they want their cute TA to give them that subtle "did they or didnt they" wink. i just think this would help with people's confidence and also make them more social, it would increase activity. THERE WOULD BE SURGES IN CAMPUS DATING BECAUSE EVERYONE WOULD LOOK SO SEXY IT WOULD BE UNBELIEVABLE. WE WOULDNT BE ABLE TO DENY EACH OTHER'S HOTNESS, MASS RANDOM MAKE-OUT SESSIONS IN THE AQ QOULD BECOME THE NORM. people could also talk campus gossip while checkinh themselves out in the mirror or give unsolicited fashion tips or even talk about how Nick Lachey's career is really just beginning for all I care.
it would also be good to cover up some of the concrete in the WMX and Convo Mall, and what better material to do it with then glass you can check yourself out in? we need more vanity up here in SFU because fashion sense is lacking; far too many pairs of sweatpants and baseball hats making the rounds. mirrors would help rectify this because no one would eb able to escape their reflection; if you arent looking your snazziest, people will talk. and lord knows you do not want people talking SHIT about your fashion sense. not when ou go to school at the (newly named) University of Mirrors.
all i ask that you think about it because 10-foot-high mirrors are all that is really missing from this campus. In the meantime we all have to act more aggresively about the student body's fashion and tell someone if they are making a faux pas. if people dont have a mirror in front of them they cant see they are wearing a side-ponytail. THOSE THINGS LOOK STUPID.
HAHAHAHAHAHA i wonder how many of you actually read the whole thing. hahaha its so accurate tho. teehee.