Jan 28, 2009 18:29
I did this on Facebook and I thought I should put it in here as well..
Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
(To do this, go to "notes" under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)
1. I don't eat the ends of french fries, crust or most foods other people love ie: steak, strawberries.. you can generally find me eating the same foods a 5 year old would include in their normal diet.
2. I miss gymnastics more than anything in the world. Especially Gold Star.
3. My biggest fear is that I'm never going to be good enough, for anyone or in terms of acting.
4. If I don't succeed in acting I have no idea what I'm going to do with my life.
5. I would be nothing without my sister and my friends/family.
6. I bake when I'm upset/stressed but usually don't end up eating the cakes/brownies I make.
7. I think I like Marilyn Monroe so much because no one ever took her seriously and thats all she ever wanted, sometimes I feel the same way.
8. I actually enjoy cooking and cleaning.
9. I'm highly envious of people who are automatically good at math. I am TERRIBLE at math.
10. If I could live anywhere in the world it would be in Carlsbad, California and I plan on living there some day.
11. Ive always wanted to spend a year living in England as well.
12. I'm entirely more comfortable around guys than girls. I would much rather be playing video games than gossiping about people and pretending you've never said one bad thing about them when you see them in person like most girls do.
13. But for the girls I do consider my friends, they're some of the sweetest people I've ever met and I wouldn't change a thing about them (:
14. My biggest pet peeve is Christmas decorations in September..or any other time before Thanksgiving is over. Seriously where are the giant turkey decorations and corn husks?
15. This is going to sound so beauty pageant..but I really do want world peace even though I don't think it's actually attainable.
16. Theres nothing I hate more than liars and cheaters.
17. I hope my great metabolism lasts forever because I'm seriously the fattest skinny kid I know.
18. Theres only one thing I love more than acting and gymnastics and thats helping people.
19. I've only ever truly hated one person in my entire life.
20. I'm scared I'm going to end up like my father.
21. I have a weakness for anything caramel and french fries.
22. Mariah Carey's "All I Want for Christmas is You" makes me cry because it reminds me of my old gym.
23. Even though my entire bedroom is pink, my favorite color is blue. Pink is my second favorite ;p
24. Lately I've been happier than I've been in a loong time.
25. It still hasn't completely hit me that I'm finally graduating. And even though I say finally..it went by entirely too fast. I'm so grateful for all the people I've met here and have learned way more through them than any class I could have taken here.