(no subject)

Feb 09, 2005 21:23

5 senses survey

»» eyes

1% : what color are your eyes? blue green
2% : what color were they when you were born? i think blue
3% : what color are your lashes? dark brown
4% : do you have bigger pupils than others or smaller? bigger
5% : have you ever counted the number of times you blink in a second? lol no but i bet its alot
6% : do you wear contacts? no
7% : do you wear glasses? no but i need em
8% : did you ever have eye surgery? lol no
9% : what was the last thing that poked you in the eye? i think it was the cornor of my blanket lol
10% : can you touch your eyes without finching or does it just gross you out? lol yeah it takes me a second tho haha
11% : how often do you look into people's eyes when you talk? rarely, depends how comfortable i am
12% : what's your favorite eye color?: light brown and blue and green
13% : do you ever just go up to someone and look into their eyes because you want to know their eye color? no but ppl have done it too me haha
14% : do you wear sunglasses often? nope
15% : what eye color do you wish you had? im okay wit my eyes
16% : can you cross your eyes? i only was able to do once, never again could i do it
17% : do you roll your eyes constantly? Yuuup
18% : what's your favorite color? (yes, your favorite color to look at): pink and blue
19% : what's the prettiest season and why? fall and summer
20% : who's the hottest or cutest person you ever saw? zac <3
21% : what was the last thing you read (bookwise)? the truth about forever
22% : who was the last person you wanted to see? zac, but thats all the time
23% : what was the last thing you watched on tv? my super sweet 16
24% : do you read the newspaper much? hell nah lol
25% : do you read magazines much? yeah i do alot
26% : do you read much in general? Not really anymore
27% : what's the first thing you see if you look over and past your computer screen? my sister and her bf jorge kissing
28% : did you ever see it hailing? yup like a year ago
29% : don't you hate it when you have sleep in your eyes (like the crusty crap)? lol that stuff is funny, mine always is black cuz of my eyeliner hehe
30% : close your eyes. (after you read the whole question, dumbie) are there lights still in your lids in with the dark? ugh i think its lights still
31% : can you sleep with a light on? it takes a long time but sometimes i have to do it, wen im depressed i get to scared to sleep in the dark
32% : how light is it outside? its dark
33% : can you roll your eyes into the back of your head? no i dont think i can lol

»» ears

1% : do you like your ears? ugghhh i guuuesss??
2% : do have them pierced? nope
3% : how many times? 0
4% : what's your favorite sound? Zacs voice, no im not just sayin that, its a really nice voice, and i love him so thats part of it too hehe
5% : what's the worst noise in the world? crying
6% : are you listening to any music? nope no music rite now
7% : what do you hear around you? computer runnin and brit and jorge goofing around
8% : what's your favorite song? O-by omarion. i dont care if zac thinks its gay haha
9% : can you wiggle your ears? no lol
10% : when was the last night you stuck your fingers in your ears so you couldn't hear something and why? wen zac was buggin me about some stupid picture
11% : do your ears have attached lopes or unattached? attached? i hope
12% : do your ears get red when your embarassed or any other emotion roars through your body? my face gets hot
13% : what was the last thing someone said to you? "chelsea are u almost done with the computer?"
14% : is it annoying to get that ringing noise in there? yea
15% : do you hear voices? uhh no?
16% : what was the last thing you heard that you rather didn't? "bye sweet thang ill call you tomorrow"
17% : what was the last thing you wanted to hear, but never heard it? “I Love You”
18% : what was the last piece of advice you were given? umm to be careful?
19% : did you ever put a rubber band around your ear? Nope
20% : go and open the door to outside and what's the first thing you hear? the wind and a car

»» mouth

1% : do you ever stop talking? no not really lol
2% : who did you talk to last? zac
3% : what was the last thing you said? "sure"
4% : did you brush your teeth today? Yup
5% : how many times do you usually? 2 and if i remember 3
6% : who are you talking with now? nobody
7% : who do you wish you were talking to? zac
8% : who was the last person to call you? eric to ask for me back lol and to just be a freaken idiot
9% : who was the last person you called? zac
10% : who was the last person to IM you? george
11% : who was the last person you IMed? my sister
12% : do you talk to yourself? lol wen im hyper
13% : do you mind? no go ahead :)
14% : what was the stupidest thing you said in the past 48 hours? "zac shut up" i dont want him to ever shut up
15% : do you sing? Yup
16% : do you sing in the shower? i used to not anymore
17% : do you sing in public? wen im excited
18% : do you hum or sing while walking down the halls? not really but i hum alot on the phone wit zac
19% : are you outspoken? i think?
20% : are you opinionated? very
21% : do you speak your mind? all the time
22% : how often do people tell you to shut up, jokingly or not? alot, like all the time
23% : are you a public speaker type? sort of
24% : do you stutter? if im nervous, a lil
25% : how many languages do you speak? 1
26% : how often do you scream? alot
27% : are you loud or quiet? loud
28% : does your mouth reflect your personality on the inside? not really
29% : who has the coolest/sweetest voice? zac, its sexy
30% : how do you get your voice heard and ideas out? umm i dont, lol
31% : do you often write letters? yheah me and zac send letters to eachother cuz were kool like dat!
32% : what was the last song you sung to? O-omarian my fave song
33% : what's your usual greeting to a friend? "hi!!"
34% : what's your usual greeting to an adult? “hi how are you?"
35% : what's your usually greeting on the phone? “Hey”
36% : what's your favorite food? pasta and pizza
37% : what's your favorite gum? i unno any gum thats kool lol
38% : what's your favortie word? "love"
39% : what's your favorite drink? water, cuz it makes u loose weight
40% : is your tongue pierced? nah
41% : do you like tongue piercings? yeah there kool
42% : how about lip piercings? ehhh not really
43% : ever have braces, how long? nope, but getting em wen my wisdom teeth get pulled
44% : do you have a retainer, for how long? No
45% : can you curl your tongue? Yea
46% : can you whistle, on inhale or exhale? yea
47% : do you grind your teeth? No
48% : did you have your first kiss yet and with who? yeah wit charly
49% : did you ever french? lol yeah
50% : how many people have you ever kissed, cheek or lips, etc? 7, but only 4 were french
51% : off the kissing subject already... did you ever have a filling? Yeah lol
52% : if so, how many? yeah i got one silver one right now
53% : how many cavities? 2 but the other one wasnt big enough for a filling
54% : are you a lipgloss addict? chapstick is more like it
55% : how about chapstick? Yup!!!!
56% : do you like the dentist? fuck no
57% : do you have all four wisdom teeth? there comin in
58% : ever have any teeth pulled? no
59% : how about a root canal? No
60% : go to a mirror and count how many teeth you have. how many? 28
62% : if not, how many to go? -wtf?
63% : what was the last thing you ate? rice
64% : current taste? saliva lol
65% : do you bite? sometimes
66% : how often do you snap at people? i unno, parents often
67% : are your teeth straight? most of them
68% : can you flip you tongue over? no
69% : can you snap your tongue really loud? yeah
70% : can you pop your lips? yup i do it all the time lol

»» nose

1% : is your nose pierced? i fucken wish!!! cant wait til im 18, retarded parents wont let me :(
2% : do you like pierced noses? hell yeah
3% : current scent? britts room?
4% : no coke sniffing, i guess no? i dont get this ?
5% : what about pixi stix up the nose ever? lol sure that seems fun
6% : do you hold your nose to swim? no lol, wen i jump in the water yeah
7% : can you flare your nostrials? i think im not sure
8% : do you have freckles on the bridge of your nose? yuparoo i do
9% : do you think your nose is big or small? Its tiny from the side, but kinda chubby from the front
10% : do you pick it sometimes? (be honest): lol nah i dont have a boogery nose
11% : do you push your nose to keep your balance? wtf nooo!!
12% : what's the worst scent? shit lol
13% : what's the best scent? zac lol
14% : what deodorent do you use? secret
15% : what's your favorite cologne? bod
16% : what's your favorite perfume? glow-by jlo
17% : what do you use? lotion lol
18% : does scent matter in the opposite sex (not as in they shower or not but their cologne or perfume)? yeah if they smell good its a bonus
19% : do you blow your nose in public? i dont like too but if i have to i do
20% : look around. find a random thing and and smell it. describe it's scent. and then say what it was?? the fone and it smelled like plastic

»» touch

1% : what does you keyboard feel like? it feels kool lol
2% : what's the best feeling in the world (emotionally)? wen someone you love loves you back
3% : what's the best feeling in the world (physically)? being in locked in the arms of your love
4% : what's the worst feeling in the world (emotionally)? gettin cheated on or dumped
5% : what's the worst feeling in the world (physically)? being horny and ur man aint there to help u out lmao!!!
6% : what do your feet feel like at the moment?sleepin so i can call zac at 4:15 a.m. so the time will go faster
7% : what do you hands feel like at the moment? they need lotion
8% : what does your head feel like at the moment? normal...actually im feelin kinda pretty hehe
9% : what does your blatter feel like, especially after this? i cant feel my bladder lol
10% : what do your legs feel like at the moment? smooth i shaved like 3 hours ago
11% : what do your shoulders and arms feel like at the moment? like arms and shoulders??
12% : what does your butt feel like at the moment? kinda uncomfortable lol
13% : what does your neck feel like at the moment? good?? lol
14% : are you cold? nope
15% : are you comfortable? not really
16% : where are you? Home
17% : who was the last person that hugged you? my dad
18% : who was the last person that pushed you? george
19% : who was the last person that you pushed? my dad on super bowl sunday cuz he past out on my bed and i wanted him off cuz i was havin a private conversation wit zac
20% : when was the last time you fell over? umm a long time ago actually
21% : does music calm you and your nerves? kiinda
22% : if not, then what makes you chill? talkin things out
23% : what stresses you out? depression
24% : when was the last time you touched a doorknob? about an hour ago
25% : do you crack your knuckles? ewww gross NO!!!
26% : what's your current emotion? hopeful
27% : ever think you were in love? Yeah i few times... :/
28% : how many times have you fallen for the opposite sex? 3
29% : what's the worst season (in feeling wise of course)? winter?
30% : how do you feel now, after that long survey? im bored and im about to sleep so i can talk to my baby soon

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