(no subject)

Mar 16, 2011 10:34

good morning everybody : ]

i'm in a battle with sallemae. i'm not going into details but those who deal with sallemae can understand my problems.. stupid bitch they are all idiots over there. they are all idiots at any financal aid business. it should be called 'fuck you over aid' whatever.

its real horrible whats happening in Japan. i'm pretty convinced the world is coming to an end and this is the start of things. we've had nothing but crazy weather by me. 200+ inchs of snow this season? not normal. all these different earthquakes and tsunamis, the problems in the middle east, sallemae, obama..... the world is going to hell.

i'm thinking about getting another tattoo.. i'm not sure of what though. i have the star on my left hand. someone small i won't be able to sit in that chair too long receiving volentary pain lol i do want something small. that yankee tattoo jose has does bother me. i pretend he doesn't have it.

we went to the poconos this past weekend for my aunts birthday and they have a store that sells fairies! lol i collect them and i've been trying to find this one fairy to conplete my collection of season fairies. i have winter, fall and spring but i've been looking for ever a year for summer. they never have it. i don't want to order it online and  charge it on my card. my american express is 2000+ because of my medicine so i don't want to put anything else on it.

isn't she super cute? can't find her lol i was pretty sure this place was going to have her because i got the first three there and now no one has them. the woman said it wasn't discontinued so i don't understand why no one has it.

i guess that's it for now. got nothing else to really report on. i'm a boring person lol i'm still upset i'm not getting season tickets for the mets this year. the season is so close and i don't have any tickets to any game. a part of me is missing lol sure its expensive and they aren't doign too well but they are my team and its my favorite sport in the whole wide world lol i need my baseball fix. i'm pretty sure SNY has the spring training game today, i'm not sure i have to check. nope it must be an away game. they don't show the away spring training games for some reason. i can probably listen to it on WFAN.

i'm walking the MS WAlk again this year.. if you want to donate please go here: DONATE

bye bye for now.. happy st. patty's day tomorrow. i'm going to let my irish root show tomorrow lol : ]
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