May 12, 2004 18:28
welll school is gay as usual.....spring fling is friday and it's supposed to rain and be 50 wow that sooooooo gayyy.....yesturday was "neon day" haha it was great...when i went to marquette w/ poi on monday i got this shirt that says "SAVE THE DRAMA" wah it fits our school soooo perfectly!! i love it...Today was western day..yea it was gay..tommorw is little kid day?? soo yea....yesturday we had a track meet....sucked at it i got 4th in 100 hurdles and 3rd in 400 relay we could have done sooo much better if SOMEEEEE people acutally practiced and KNEW wtf they were doin...yea i jogged the 300 hurdles cuz they SUCKKKKKKKK...soo was a tough day in track we did 100 hurdles and did 10,8,6,4,2 then did 300 hurdles and did 8,6,4,2,2 yea it sucked....brought tori* love home then went to the secretary of state to get something and we didn't know my social security number soo we have to go back there today..but i doubt we will.....
yea soo today after track i WANTEDDD to play bball..but nobody wants to play or i told SOMEONE i did but they went and played w/ their friends..awesome hey...i just wanna go outside and do something then sit on here..
yea today in 1st hour krissy went to the library and while word was loading she went to livejournal and mrs. devris went right aroud the computer right when the page loaded soo she got kicked off the computer for 3 weeks but i think she told mr. hayes to get it for just 30 days..haha and i guess she caught 3 other girls soo that sucks for them