Oct 30, 2004 08:53
Hey guys, its the weekend again!! :DDDDDD And it's Saturday!
But not only that, its HALLOWEEN! Well...not yet but it feels like it cuz..
yesterday (Friday) in school we had a halloween carnival. I bought 40 tickets and THOUGHT that would be too little..I had 26 tickets left over lol The booths were stupid, it was crowded, way too long of lines and there were like ten times more booths last year....ahh what can you do?
Then I took Susie home with me and her mom picked her up like...2 hours later. Then I got ready, took a shower and left for Emmas house for her cool party!!!!
And all I have to say to that was...congrats Emma.!
It was the coolest party ever. Okay it was Emma, me, Nora, Sally, Alison, Boris, Eli, Ross, and Gabriel!
We played so many games..lol you guys dont even wanna know...lol
So it was fun and I hope she does it again! I cant wait for trick-or-treating..wow a year supply of candy!!! yum!!
Oh and I have to give "props" to all the people with the coolest costumes:
Me - Fairy
Emma - Dark Fairy
Nora - Cat
Sally - Dancer
Alison - Fiesta Dancer
Boris - ...mask..cape..guy?
Danny - Zorro
Tiffany - Witch
Susie - Little Bo Peep
Irina - Little Miss Muffet
Alexis & Clare - Jail Angels
Ally & Ariel & Dana - Wanta Fanta Girls
Korin - Evil Fairy
Sara - Ariel (The Mermaid)
Melissa - Tinkerbell
Dana K. - Someone who got out of the shower lol
Ross - Who knows
Adriel - Don't wanna know.
Gabriel - Geek
Alan - Reese's (I think)
Emily - I don't know but it was pretty!
And to the rest of you who dressed up!! Hope you enjoy Halloween!!
Lots o' love