From another topic... but wanted to reply here instead of tucking it away in a thread where it might be missed.
>Hey girl. I just wanted to see how you and the fam are doing. How is your back and neck doing? How is Harmony doing with school? How is Avery doing with his new child care provider working out? Have >you went back to your church yet? If so how has that worked out? Well I hope is good for you.
Hey chickie, thanks for thinking of me. Harmony's enjoying grade 3, and Avery is actually doing really well with his new care provider! We really lucked out, he loves her... and her huge extended family that comes and goes as well! She's Lebanese and has family that lives close by - he is learning some Arabic because he loves to repeat everything! lol
No, we haven't been back to church. We got a phone call and a letter from the new minister and she does apologize for singling us out, blah blah blah, but I dunno, I still feel humiliated by that incident and just like, not accepted by the congregation now because of how she comes across, even though they may totally not feel the way she does.
Hope all is well for you too! I haven't been checking my Flist that often these days with everything going on. Yah, my neck is still bugging me. And I'm getting these wicked-bad-head-slicing headaches! Have had to take a few painkillers the past couple days. Going to my physio clinic tomorrow though and looking forward to that.