Dec 17, 2011 14:15
Hi everybody
So I know I have been MIA for a long time, I'm just posting this to let you all know what's up. I'm just finishing off my first semester of University and it's crazy busy right now being in the middle of exam time and what not so I will probably be posting very very infrequently.
Now with the mention of posting I am sorry to announce that the Duncan's may not be coming back because my game got corrupted and I had to uninstall everything. I still have all of my CC but I think all of my saved games are gone. If they are still around then great hurrah I can continue with them as well as probably get a pet or two because I have that game, I just need to install it. If the Duncan's are no longer alive then I will start another legacy.
So I just wanted to let everybody know that I haven't died and that I do plan on writing some more.
Tata for now
the duncan legacy