Nov 22, 2004 08:13
So , the show just ended this weekend. There is so much to say and so little time.I now feel very good about my performance. It was such a crazy experience.
So , I have gotten to see Jacqueese this weekend, which has been great. I hope we can get together soon. For those of you who know the true identity of Jacqueese, I dont care whether you like him or not. I dont give a damn whether you think he is right for me, or if you think he's an asshole. I just gave up on trying to find someone that everyone loves. I love him and thats all that matters.
Dont tell me not to live just sit and putta , lifes candy and the suns a bal of butter.
Dont bring around a cloud to rain on my parade!!!
You get the idea. I love you all vey much. Yall call me.
favorite quote." Love is like a chia pet ...." lol I love you phil. :)