this weeeknd was great.well kinda.. friday was a dull night i dont remember saturday i went shopping and then went to the airport and then gmas with melissa. and we stayed there till this afternoon. it was great. it felt like summmmer. i miss it. i miss centre adn the guys and yah all that. i was suppose to hang out with sarah today. but it didnt work. i miss her lots
first-- -First best friend: brittni -First real memory of something: no idea. a long time ago though. i got good memory -First screen name- kesbabe125 -First funeral: grandmothers i bet -First pet: dog -First piercing/tattoo:ears -First credit card: i dont know -First true love: none -First big trip: cape cod by car for that age. and florida by plane -First play/musical/performance/concert: i dont know first play because ive seen so many. but concert.. switchfoot --last-- -Last big car ride: clinton or camp reunion or cape cod -Last good cry: a couple weeks ago -Last movie seen: in good company -Last beverage drank: c0ffee -Last food consumed: salad -Last crush: :-) -Last phone call: melissa -Last TV show watched: umm gilmore girls -Last time showered: this afternoon -Last shoes worn: my brown and pink sneakers -Last cd played: a burned one -Last item bought: new jacket from polo -Last ice cream eaten: Chocolate -Last shirt worn: old dance shirt --layer one-- - Name: Karah Shulansky - Birh date: December 5th - Current Location: in my rooom - Hair Color: brown - Height: 5'7 - Righty or Lefty: righty --layer two-- - Your heritege: i ahve no idea - Your weakness: i dunno. i asked katie and she said being smart - Your perfect pizza: cheese - Goal you'd like to achieve: um. running away with pat --layer three-- - Your most over used phrase on MSN/AIM: awesome, its great or haha - Your thoughts first waking up: i neeeed coffee - Your best physical feature: i dunnnnno what? -Your bedtime: i never sleep. its kinda a problem - Adidas or Nike: adias - Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: nestea i got that from daniel Cappauccino or coffee: coffee why ask --layer four-- - Smoke: noppe :) - Cuss: yah - Sing: yah in my house but not in public - Take a shower everyday: def. more then once - Do you think you've been in love:yah. hopefully - Want to go to college: yah --layer five-- - Liked high school: not exatly. its school whats there to like - Want to get married: yahh - Believe in yourself: not at all - Get motion sickness: depending - Think you're a health freak:with smelling and being unclean - Get along with your parent(s): sometimes. most of the time -Like thunderstorms: no im scared of them - Play an instrument :TRYING to learn guitar -layer six-- In the 6 past months... - Drank alcohol: yupp - Smoked: noppe :) - Done a drug: nope :) - Had Sex: noope - Made Out: yupppp - Gone on a date: yupp - Gone to the mall: yes lotss - Eaten an entire box of Oreos: no way - Eaten sushi: yupp. yumm - Been on stage: i dont think so - Been dumped: nopppe - Gone skating: ice skating kinda at reunion - Made homemade cookies: yuppppp - Gone skinny dipping: yupp - Dyed your hair: nooope - Stolen anything: nopppe. --layer seven-- - Played a game that required removal of clothing: yupp all the time with my fav crew. strip poker is our fav - Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: yupp - Been caught "doing something": umm. ive been caught making out. is that wat its asking? - Been called a tease: yah but in a joke - Shop Lifted: noope --layer eight-- - Age you hope to be married: middle 20s - Numbers and Names of Children: 3. and i like lots of names like carter, hayden, libby, courtney - Describe your dream wedding: no idea yet - How do you want to die: ew thats depressing - Where you want to go to college: somewhere close What do you want to be when you grow up: graphic designer, or something with design - What country would you most like to visit: France, italy, new zealand, umm i want to go back to england soo fucking bad its killing me --layer nine-- In a boy... or girl: guyss - Best eye color?: blue or brown - Best hair color?: brown or blonde - Short or long hair? depends - Height: taller then me - Best weight: i ahve no idea. - Best articles of clothing: idk cute clothing not shit stuff LAYER TEN: - # of people I could trust with my life: i havent thought about it - # of CDs that I own: like 100ish - # of piercings: 2.. used to be 3 but now 2 - # of tattos: none - # of scars: lots from biking - # of things in my past that I regret: a lot
so i dunno school tomrorow. im so not excited. i hate watkinson again. i might leave. hopefully
i miss abc. like wahooo like i dont think anyone understands how muchh i miss them. its crazy. i think its bad how muhc i miss them
and christine i miss her so muhc. i mean we used to be mad close leik we couldnt do anything without the other one. not now. yah we ahrdly talk and it sucks and i miss her and i need to see her soon before i go insane. i really miss herr
leave looots of post. :) and maybe ill put some florida pictures in next time.