Jun 15, 2007 08:34
So yeah accounting STILL blowwwwwwws... we had a test on wednesday and yeah..I just hope I passed..I'm gonna look in a second to see if he posted grades yet, but he's slow so I'm sure he hasn't and I dont know if I really wanna see my grade..ha :-\ ..anyway..I get to have Monday night off which is very pleasant cause my teacher will be in Phoenix =), that makes me happy haha. then Weds. class is starting a little later, so I lose an hour of that..which will make the class that much easier to stay away during... He also said our next test if the final, so that's sweet cause I don't have to worry about studying for like 2 weeks, unfortunately I have to write some dumb 5 page paper in that amount of time for the class too...We only have 3 classes left and then the final, YESSSS...then another 5 weeks of his bullshit and I'm done! ha. that is until September, but then I will be dealing with other douchebag teachers..we'll see what happens. ha.
Whatever, so yeah I was gonna do a survey but there are none I like so I'm just gonna blabbbbbbb on =) haha... I keep thinking its fuckin Saturday cause I'm not used to working Fridays yet..its weird..I might not have to work next Friday though..that'd be sweeeeeeeet. I gotta talk to my boss and make sure thats what Im doing...but then the week after I'll be back to workin on Fridays so itll be a short lived victory hah.
Knocked Up was a very good movie, everybody can't wait til it comes out to watch it again hahaha.. "I can't do this I cant, all I keep thinkin of is poking our baby in the head with my penis!" hahaha. And I'd like to confirm that my friend said it was dirty, and there was at least one dirty joke just in like the first five minutes of the movie, very good =) I also can't wait til the new movie I think its I Pronounce you Chuck and Larry...something like that, with Adam Sandler...and I'm not sure the other guys name but they get married to get the benefits for the other guy's family and shit...but they are completely straight and have to prove they are gay to EVERYone, it looks very amusing. I saw Oceans Thirteen yesterday too, not bad, I got kinda confused though at one point..but I figured it all out..it sucked though cuz I was tired and kept yawning, and it was only like 1 in the fuckin afternoon, it was bad. hah. Then I got a haircut, picked up some Chinese and hung with my mom til she went to bed hah. Then went back out around 9:30 ish and didn't get home til after 1..just to wake up around 6 this morning, and now I'm at work, and I'm tired. haha. so I hope I don't fall asleep..I'm hoping my boss doesnt come in cause I also feel very lazy, hah.
hmmm I'd like to say Jon is the asshole... and I am the MOTHER FUCKIN PRESIDENT. =)
And Leah is a schemer, I think she'll stay near Matt cause he refuses to help her out hahaha. Or anyone for that Mr. Let's Skip Jen Constantly, *piece of shit* hahha. Chris is a cheater too, once my winning streak stopped he took over, he's a cheater. Hah. Okay well this thing is long, so I'm gonna shut up now. haha..
OHH and I was supposed to go the fuckin beach with Kyle the other day but of course Mother Nature was a bitch again so that didn't happen.. sucky, I want my tan =(