One chance, so why not take it?

Mar 06, 2007 09:49

  • I know it hurts to feel so all alone
                                              I'm by myself, more then you could know
  •                                                     Between the sadness and the smile
                                                            Lies the flicker of the fire
                                                       You always said this never hurt you
                                                            I always said you were a liar
                                                       Two hearts and one connection
                                                            One voice lacks emotion now

    Instead of flowers like words that never mattered
    Close it off forget about the sadness
                                                      He always said she should have tried crying
                                                                                                                 Blaming him, as she was lying down

You don't have to cover up how you feel when you're in love
I'll always know I'm not enough to even make you think

I miss you so much, a self-inflicted coma

And when I feel the stress, I'm lonely and depressed

I swear, I'm not trying to wear you out
                                                  I'm not trying to drag you down

I must say the shit they put on envelopes that you lick to seal is FUCKING gross. yay for having to seal envelopes cuz people don't pay on time and I have to send them notices..ugh.*spits* tastes disgusting. hah. Anyway.  Maybe my car will be getting fixed at the end of the month, it depends on the weather cuz my daddy will have a rental car, which I'm sure it wont be a 4 wheel drive truck so...I dunno yet..we'll see, gay.  Fuckin Randy was outside while we were at Hannah's house..and he's playin pass with Ben and I go to go outside but his kids were in front of the door so I couldnt so I was standing there and I look at him and he's holding the football into my dent going "whats that"..he thought I got myself into an accident, fuckin dick. haha.  I almost killed him, if his kids werent in the doorway I prob woulda yelled at him for touching my car hahahaha.  douchebag.  I harassed him the whole time I was there because he smokes, and its bad...Hannah was a good girl..she didnt smoke at all while I was there :-D..probably cuz it was her daughers bday party and then she was distracted with tryin to clean up the volcano that erupted in her living room haha.  So Randy, Katie and I took their kids and Hannah's kids and went next door to play at Katie's house..where Katie layed down cuz she had a hangover and felt like shit, and Randy went on myspace..I went between the two rooms and made sure all was well with the kids and then harassed Katie and Randy...was fun.  At one point Randy walked off and went downstairs so I started yelling after him and took off down the stairs and found him outside smoking and I was like HEY!  and hes like you're quick, ya knew where I was going...fucktard he's like "just two drags!!" so I walked away and he actually came up shortly after soo hahah I WIN! =)  Emma is freakin adorable (Hannah's daughter, just turned 2!), she kept comin into Katie's room and going over to the mirror that was leaning up and like shaking it and staring at herself, what a dork!  Then Randy's son Ben (1) kept walking over to the stairs we were like no no no no no no... haha had to keep scoopin him up, fortuantely he didn't cry when we turned him back round to the room..cuz at Hannah's everytime u took him off the stairs he'd get PISSED haha.

So close your eyes and kiss me like it's the last time
Days to turn to nights I wish on the stars in the sky
Be careful of the brightest, beauty is on the inside

I wish I could but I know I can't take it back,

When my heart breaks, it makes a sound

hmm...this weekend wasn't too bad..I'm pretty sure I haven't said anything about it, so I will now haha.  Friday...I don't remember if I did anything, prob not..but I'm not sure hahaha.  Oh wait maybe I did, cuz I got outta gym early cuz we had a test and I got our teacher to let Crista and I take it at 4 rather than waiting around til I believe I did do SOMEthing =)
Saturday I out..went home..had some burritos, mmmmmmmmmmmm, and then we all went to the Hockey game..I wasn't really excited like I was last time..I was very blah..but when the game started I was good and I got all hyped up I'm ready for the next one!! Idk if anyone else had as much fun as I did, so Idk if we'll be bookin more tickets or what. :-\ we'll see, I'll talk to my sister about it, I bet she's down ;-)...but yeah the game was intense..2 guys sister got a good angle..they knocked off helmets, gloves went flying, sticks went was funny...then there was almost a 3 man fight from each team but the refs didn't let them start..idk why..cuz I guess the normal rules are they dont stop the fight until someone hits the ice...thats how the first one with just 2 guys got stopped...but we were winning til about 5 minutes left when the other team..Norfolk? Admirals fuckin tied it up, and then the goalie fuckin let one in we went into a 5 min overtime where no1 then we went into a shoot out where the other team got 1 and we got none. so they ended up winning 5-4, I was soooo pissed!  But at the end of the 2nd period, I think last name is Riley? not sure got hurt pretty bad.  He got slammed into the wall and his helmet flew off, so idk if it flew off and then he hit or what but I heard he was unconscious when they took him off in a I dunno, hope he's okay..I'm gonna see if I can find anything online about it in a minute... so needless to say the game was pretty intense. oo I just found an article so it says hes okay. =)

If I could find a way to turn back time
Had to let you know I'm on your side
Took the easy way out I shut myself down
The only way to ease the pain is to drink until I drown
Am I now everything that you wanted me to be
tried my best, took a shot in the dark, and I lost

I miss you most on winter mornings
                                                                                                    we drive into the cold and dark with fingers crossed
                                                                                                                     I follow your eyes to avoid from getting lost

And all I had was the memory of what was
so let's pretend it never mattered to us
                  Never thought I'd live to tell
                          what's a dream and what is real,
                                                            the way I really feel

What else do I have to tell...hmm..sunday Zandra came over for a bit.. we didn't do too much...but its cool =) ...and then I went to Hannah's daughter's bday party, which I already talked about. so I think this is long enough I'll end it here haha.

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