May 15, 2005 10:10
How come everytime i say call me I want to go out tonight.. I get no phone call? Last night I really just wanted to go out.. didn't care where just wanted to go.. so i TXT zach becasue I found out through Matt K that he was at Orange Street.. Thanx.. so then He finally reponds didn't have phone? okay... but yet your txting me now? whatever... so then I'm like "well what is going on?" nothing... wELL, i NEED To let my mom know to pick up the girls" nothing" Okay goodnight"... so then I txt him later because AGAin i hear he's went to the apt in southwick from matt K and Matt was like he's going over some girls house doesn't that piss you off that he doesn't tell you this? AHHH Y EAH!!
So i'm still txting him. nothing nothing nothing
So fuck this
I fucken wanted to go out and he can't be bothered to fucken pick up his phone
or fucken call like he said he would
So then around 12:45 he calls my phone was on silent becasue i was pissed and took night quill to actually sleep becasue i didn't the night before.. so I woke up for some reason about 2 minutes after he calls and i tried to call him for about a half hour.. try txting him.. he said he can't get service.. whatever.. So then i wentback to bed.. 2:02 AM later he calls back and again I wake up and see that he tried to call so i tried to call him back for about 10 minutes this time and he wrties back "be mad i told you where i was"
well not really matt K did... but whatever.. a little to late... I like to know where your going befor eyou go and from you.. but ya know whatever...
I invite to all my friends parties or hang out and i can't our plans to incorporate him but he can't fucken call so that i can go out?
i'm sure his excuse will be.. Jer was their..