Feb 26, 2006 05:11
Ok so it's been a long time since i have written anything in here. I don't even know where to start. well i am still working at balmoral unfortunitly. haha funny huh. i am dating T.J. again. i love that boy soo much. i didn't go to school on thursday and he came over and we "chilled". it was a lot of fun. i can't think of the last time we hung out. But w/e. Right now i am soo tired. i have been working non-stop double headers for work. so on saturdays i am here from 10 a.m.-12 a.m. yeah that is a LONG ass day. but now its back to the normal 5-12. so i am looking for a new job as a waitress agian. i loved doing that. It really meant a lot to me. But i dont know. i hated Pondo. I have been talkin to this guy Phil at work. He's soo funny and really nice. he's a sweeper. the only problem is his g/f is pregnant and he's stayin with her. oh yeah and i am with T.J. haha but it doesn't matter. i have been talkin to my brother a lot now since he's home from iraq. i love him soo much and i can't wait to go out there for spring break. its gonna be a blast. we're gonna get sooo drunk, and party all the time. B.G. is gonna be gone so i will be home alone all day while doug's at work. But it will be kool. I am gonna go in the summer as well. Then in December GERMANY!!! hellz yeah. i am gonna be at soo many night clubs and gonna be SOO drunk. i can't wait for that. But yeah. i know that i am gonna meet a lot of hott german guys. i wont be able to understand a damn word that they are saying but i dont care.
So yeah Kristine had me write a REALLY cute poem for her b/f. I think i should have kept a copy for myself b/c i liked it. I could have given it to T.J. haha i dont know if he would like it b/c he's not one of those lovey dovey types. But i liked it so he woulda had to deal with it. I dont know but ever since we got together i've been a little happier. But we'll see how long this relationship will actually last. i dont know i have some doubts about it. Because everytime that i call him or want to hang out he's never home. But he did come over that one day and i was totally blown away with how he was acting with me. So that makes me really happy. well i am out of here i will try to write again later when i get home. peace