
Dec 10, 2004 01:53

Here it is, about 2:00am, and I am still wide awake. I can't get my sleeping patterns right. Someday, maybe, I will. I go thru phases where I am always tired and want to sleep, and then I have those phases of wanting to be up all night, sleeping all day, or just a little of both. Even knowing that I have to be at work at 7:30am, and then working at Bath and Body tomorrow night doesn't even make me tired. It's not like I had a ton of Diet Coke or anything today...that was yesterday. Why the hell am I still up! UGH!

Took Nathan to West Bend to get his hair cut tonight. My friend Char cuts his hair, yes, the same one that messed up my color and made my hair fall out. She finally got his haircut right. It looks pretty good! After that we went to Wal~Mart and picked up a few odds and ends. I love the Super Wal~Mart in West has everything! I kinda miss working at Wal~Mart for the holidays. It is a little more fast paced than BBW...and people are a lot nicer, and REAL! No fake rich bitches coming in to complain about something! Anyways...after Char cut Nathan's hair, she cut a friend of ours that we went to high school with. He looks so different, however hasn't lost his snobbiness...and they say people change after high school...especially being graduated for several years! LoL!

It is so hard to believe that Christmas is only 2 weeks doesn't even feel like December. The weather hasn't been all that cold, and what I am loving the most right now: NO SNOW! I probly just jinxed it for us all...damn me! **knocks on wood** I haven't even put up my Christmas tree, yet. My mom bought us a tree...only 6 feet tall, and kind of narrow. Now, I am not a fussy person about some things, and I know she meant well and everything...BUT...this tree is something else! Luv Peggy for doing this for us, buying a tree...but it is too small for the apartment!!! Maybe that is why I have been stalling in putting it up. Damn..I haven't even brought my Christmas Tote up from my storeage locker yet! UGH!

Our friend Alyssa is coming to spend the weekend with us...that will be good for Nathan to have someone around while I am at work. If anyone wants to hang out later in the evening or Sunday afternoon, I work Friday and Saturday night from 6pm to 11pm ish, and Sunday from 5pm til 10pm. Let me other plans!

Hope everyone has a good weekend...hopefully the sistahs will be good to me at work! Sometimes I don't know how I'd get thru the day without them!


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