Title : Letting Go
Author :
cutie_ass / Betaed by
esteebusuLength : Drabble
Pairing: Yoosu
Rating : G
Genre : Angst
Summary: Sometimes, letting go is something you have to do.
Sound of objects collided with the glass.
Again, the sound of pebbles hitting the window glass every midnight repeated.
Junsu opened his eyes and reluctantly, he moved out of his bed and walked towards the window. Shaking a little, Junsu peeked through the curtains and immediately felt a lump in his throat and his heart rate quickened.
'When will you stop?' Junsu murmured to himself.
Out there under the trees stood his friend. Since 2weeks ago, he will wake Junsu up by throwing small pebbles at his window every midnight.
Junsu took a deep breath to soothe his heartbeat, pushed the curtain aside, and then opened the window.
"I've waited," the same sentence he said, once he finally entered Junsu's room.
"I'm sorry." And always the same words Junsu would answer.
But Junsu had decided. Tonight, it would be the last night his friend will come at midnight.
"Please let go, do not wait anymore." Junsu finally said the words that he knew would hurt his friend.
"I don't know what to do, all of these are not only hurting you, but hurting me as well. Please forgive me, I can't keep my promise that night." Sobbed Junsu, he could no longer hold his tears.
In front of him, his friend just stared silently.
"Don't wait for me anymore, I will come when the time comes... Please go, don't come back, I beg.." Said the crying Junsu desperately.
Then Junsu felt it, cold skin against his warm one, and Junsu could only close his eyes with tears flowing, when his friend embraced him silently.
"Goodbye Junsu." The last words being whispered in his ear before his friend finally gone, away from him, out of his life.
Junsu then collapsed on the floor sobbing hard. Softly he whispered, "Goodbye Yoochunnie, Rest In Peace..."
The end