Mar 14, 2003 11:51
it's time I do a survey....
*full name: Stephanie lynn
*birthday: July 25, 1982
*zodiac sign: leo
*school: Oakland University
*color of hair: naturally brown with blonde highlights, but right now it is darker then usual
*color of eyes: hazel
*height: 5'8"
*kissed someone: Yes
*been so drunk you blacked out: Yes,a long time ago!!
*gone out in public in your pajamas: or course, usually to the grocery store!
*missed school because it was raining: raining, snowing, just don't want to go what's the difference
*cheated on a boyfriend or girlfriend: again, a long time ago
*kept a secret from everyone: yes, I actually am very private about personal matters
*actually thrown shoes onto a phone wire: umm, no
*set a body part on fire: not that I can recall
*had an imaginary friend: no
*called or seen a psychic: No
*had a crush on a teacher: thought some were cute!
*done something stupid to impress your crush: probably
*what was it: n/a
*found a cartoon character attractive: what a strange question
*ever at anytime owned a new kids on the block tape? Everyone did
*watched punky brewster: she was the coolest
*just stayed home: to often to remember
*prank called someone: a long time ago
*been on stage: yes
*gotten in a car accident: well Brendan hit my mom and me back in the day, and old lady hit Jackie and me and then pretended like nothing happened
*seen the eiffel tower: only in photographs
*shampoo: tea tree
*gel or mousse: hairspray
*soap: dove
*toothpaste: crest with whitening
*colors: green, purple and blue
*bands: I really like coldplay right now, but basically everything
*type of sandwich: peanut butter sandwiches
*coffee or hot chocolate: hot chocolate
*milk or chocolate milk: chocolate milk.
*cold or hot: depends what we are talking about
*day or night: I can be both when I want to be
*here or there: umm here
*red or blue: BLUE!
*jeans or cords: jeans
*wool or cotton: cotton
*stripes or solid: solids
*new or old: again, it depends
*cartoon: Scooby Doo
*villain: can't think of any
*have a goldfish: no goldfish
*have a dog: Bailey, whose a Westie!!
*want a tattoo, and where: yup on my lower back
*have a computer in your room: yes I do
*have any regrets: yea, who doesn't
*have a boyfriend/girlfriend: yes and I love him:)
*have a crush: Josh Hartnett
*have a best friend: I would like to think so
*do you rank your speed dial in order of your favorites: don't use speed dial
*who's your funniest friend: Jamie L or Leesa
*who do you e-mail the most: i don't do much email right now
*who do you go to the mall with the most: my mommy, david, steph
*who have you known the longest: probably all my friends that I went to school K-12 with, and Abby since I went to Preschool with her
*whose parents do you know the best: David's
*who do you go to for advice: steph, Anna, David, my parents, sorority
*who do you get the most surveys from: everyone
*who knows all your secrets? probably only me, a couple people know a few of them
*cried: umm can't remember
*cut your hair: nope. haven't cut it in about 5 months
*worn a bathing suit: nope but two weeks ago I did!
*bought something: yes!! my dress!!
*been sarcastic: well people that know me would probably say I am pretty sarcastic
*gone for a walk: nope
*said "I love you": everyday!
*felt stupid: oh good Lord, I feel stupid all the time!
*met someone new: yea I have
*written in a journal: nope!
*watched your favorite movie: nope not this week
*god/devil: definately
*yourself: not especially, I am with cristina, maybe if I lost 10 pounds
*your friends: yes
*aliens: nope
*love: yes
*destiny: yes )
*signs: yes I believe that youshould look out for signs. But they are not necessarily the right sign
*the closet monster: no
*one person for everyone?: yes, well I do, but I don't believe that everyone finds them so that is why people settle for less then what they can get! But what happens if their is one person for you and that one person thinks their is only one OTHER person for them? That would suck!