(no subject)

Jun 27, 2005 20:45

first day of camp was todayyyy!!! omg it was SOOOO awesome i love my group. the boys are SOOOO cute - well most of them at least. there are a few that just DONT listen and i actually want to shoot them (well not really) but some of them are just absolutely adorable. and the other counselors are pretty cool too, so thats good. emma's first day of camp was also today, and she seems to have liked it so thats great too. beck's leaving tomorrow for NH, and im sooooooo jealous - i wish i could go back to CR toooo :-( oh well, 2 more years. actually theres another girl from robindel at breezemont, who actually was my camp sister my first summer at robindel (actually she was a really bad camp sister, but w/e shes pretty cool) so that was fun. omg im soooo tired though - 5 year old boys can REALLY wear you out. haha - i love how its summer and im tired before 9 at night. just shows how cool i am. alright - really nothing else new. im actually really getting into the livejournaling, so maybe ill start updating more now. maybe not :-\ oh well, ill try. or at least try to try. and im just gonna stop now before this gets any longer
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