
May 15, 2004 04:32

I watched TROY!!!!

and despite wut everyone that has watched it at the midnight showing thursday nite had said, i LOVED it!

there was a good balance between war and love. Not too much love story and yet not too much blood. Although i still couldn't bare the war scenes. ~_~ what can i say?

Brad Pitt... MMMMMMM hahahaha yeh.. real yummy except for the hair, but i can ignore that! he was good.. although it was hard to get use to his accent.. it sounded really forced to me

Orlando Bloom MMMMMMM hahhaha.. he is as usual just as gorgeous and talented with the arrows as he was in LOTRs.He has proven himself capable of a different kind of role than the usual Legolas type.

Eric Bana ....*sigh* he played one of my favorite characters!!!

Diane Kruger has such an exotic look.. although she did remind me of that one girl who played joan of arc... anyways... she was wonderful

about the movie:

i thought it stayed pretty true to the actual story. and i liked how in the end it still gave you some good feeling.. i mean damn. i thought i would be sooo sad cus everyone knows how the trojan horse came about. but i didnt tear or feel sad becasue of the ending.. and that was one of my main concerns i hated watching movies where i KNOW it will make me sad.. especially war movies! but i thought the music did match the style of the film. its not made to be hard core action film. it was like the Gladiator.. only less oscar flowed and altough at times had me wondering when it would end, followed thru quite well! i really liked it.. so much i wanna get the dvd already! -___-

well i went with some Cha friends.. along with Daniel and Hanson and some of their friends.. got to the spectrum around 9:00. they were already in line so vicky and i walked around searching for my dinner .. which consists of half of a crepe and a pretzel! yum!

since the theatre had some messed up speakers (like the sound would go loud and quiet on and off thru out the film) and you kno movie geeks or just ppl got mad so a mess of ppl went to the customer service window and requested for a refund. so all of us cha and friends gathered up our like 10 tickets got like refunded that and had someone else go wiht the same 10 tickets and got MORE free movie tickts! do now i have 2 readmissions tickets for reagal entertainment! GOOD STUFF HUH???? GOOD MOVIE AND I GET IT WATCH IT FOR FREE!!

after movie we spent like 2 hours at IHOP just chatting it up
and i just got dropped off! :)

hmm lately i have been doing lambda lil sis step! and the lil sis program! i'm really glad i'm doing it cus its a lot of fun to step.. its a new thing to learn! and the program is fun cus i get to keep in touch with my DP girls and i get to meet other ppl~

i got pics from the bondfire and the dressup day.. i'll post them later.. ok?

as of now imma sleep!!! so tired.. got work tomorrow at 11:30am-1pm so i'm off!!!
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