Apr 01, 2013 12:18
I was thinking that I could start off this piece by complain about the Game of Thrones premiere last night…I did that.
Last weekend I was at Zenkaikon running panels like nobody’s business. See the schedule in the post below. Although, I did not run ALL THE PANELS!!!!! I think as a group we did maybe 11 or 12 between us. I was on 4 or 5 that were official 20 SD panels, and 1 or 2 we were graciously invited on by Phil Kahn and T. Campbell. It was an enjoyable experience over all.
My favorite panels to run were the Serial Writing panel I did with Gabi, T. Campbell and Phil Kahn, as well as the RPG’s from the West to the East and back again, probably my favorite panel of the weekend. Which is funny, because it was originally Little-Mike’s idea, but since he couldn’t make it to the panel I had to take over. Over all it was a good convention. I was a little weary of the idea that they moved the convention to Lancaster, but the people in Lancaster were great, and the atmosphere was very inviting. There was a story told at closing ceremonies that pretty much summed up the relationship the people seemed to have with the con-goers.
The head of security for the hotel was at the bottom of a flight of steps looking up at a group of Homestuck fans on the platform above. The Homestuck (MS Paint Adventures) fans were being…well Homestuck fans. (For those of you who have experienced Homestuck fans, well, enough said) One of the con-heads timidly approached the head of security as she watched the Homestuck fans bring their particular brand of ruckus. The con-head was going to ask if there was anything she can do, (particularly about the screaming, singing demons at the top of the steps.) Before she could say anything the head of security turned to her and said, “Is there any way you guys can run this con all year?”
That’s a damn good feeling, especially with how welcoming some hotels are to cons. (I’m looking at you Gaylord!)