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Apr 30, 2010 06:28

three in mythology:

trios of archaic goddesses: archetype
→ the moirae/fates: clotho, lachesis and atropos (greek)
→ the parcae: nona, decima and morta (roman)
→ the ursitoare: supposed to appear three nights after a child's birth to determine the course of its life (romanian)
→ the norns: Urðr (past), Verðandi (present) and Skuld (future) (norse)
→ laima, kārta and dēkla (baltic: latvian/lithuanian)
→ the gratiae/graces/charites: aglaea (beauty), euphrosyne (mirth) and thalia (good cheer) (greek/roman)
→ the erinyes/furies/kindly ones: alecto (unceasing), megaera (grudging) and tisiphone (avenging murder) (greek/roman: dante & virgil)
→ the grey ones/graeae: deino (dread), enyo (horror) and pemphredo (alarm) (greek)
→ the zorya/auroras: zorya utrennyaya (morning star), zorya vechernyaya (evening star) and zorya polunochnaya (midnight star) (slavic)

beasts and monsters:
→ the gorgons: stheno (forceful), euryale (far-roaming) and medusa (greek)
→ cerberus (greek)
→ the three witches (macbeth)
→ three prophetic birds: gamayun, alkonost, sirin (russian)

interesting others:
→ the three Findemna: (irish)
three in norse mythology


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