Mar 17, 2007 00:32
I am officially over school. No, seriously. I just finished reading a book for one of my classes and decided that it was a complete and total waste of a day. I feel more accomplished after cleaning my apartment for two hours than after finishing that stupid book. The good news is that I'm nowhere near done for the semester. Yes! I had all these big plans for spring break right? Oh yeah I will totally finish those three books for the exam I have the Tuesday after break, and definitely get everything done for the exam I have the Thursday after break. That paper due Monday? Definitely have that done way ahead of time!! What exactly have I accomplished over the past week? I read one of the three books so far... and did 3/4 of the study guide for the exam I have on Thursday. I prioritized my books for my African politics paper and watched a lot of TV and movies. In other words.... nowhere near what I had hoped for. Oh well.... I have actually enjoyed myself thoroughly. I feel decidedly more relaxed and carefree and am desperately happy :)
Happy news is that I officially am registered for both of my degrees finally. I hate paperwork and all of that but by God I am actually graduating with two degrees. Hoorah! I am so looking forward to graduation. Not the ceremony or anything, just the finality of it. Undergrad will finally be over and I can move on. I will be a bit sad to see it go. I was thinking about that today. I am taking the LSAT in June right before Europe, and am excited about that and the prospect of doing well enough to get into a decent law school (wishful thinking probably but we will see). The problem is... do I really want to go to law school? Do I want to become a lawyer and do those lovely 70 hour weeks that are so prevalent in the field of law? Hypothetically I would like to be a lawyer, as the law interests me and I think I could do something enjoyable with a law degree, but the money issue is a problem for me too. Law school is so damn expensive. I would love to not go to UF, if I can even get in, but it is so much cheaper here than elsewhere. A good 20,000 a year cheaper in comparison to certain other places. Of course, the thought of coming back and spending 3 more years here sort of makes me want to hurl....
Time will tell.
I am going to go and pretend to do some work now. Alicia comes to visit tomorrow and I am excited about that : ) I hope that everyone has enjoyed their spring breaks and I can't wait to hear stories from those of you who went somewhere exciting (um.... twin!) Love you!