Oct 17, 2006 01:25
A brief semi-impersonal update on my life! Excitement?
The good news:
1) I got a Florida/Georgia ticket!!!
2) I got an 80 on my business statistics test the other night... way higher than I anticipated. This means a B in this class is so in the bag (as long as I don't fuck up my final that is).
3) Kristine is coming to visit tomorrow!
4) Julius Airwave show Thursday night!!!
5) I am going home this weekend for the first time in ages and have some good things planned :)
6) I like my life.
The not so-good news:
1) I am pretty sure I am going to fail this test tomorrow night.
2) I have to study for this test and actually take the test tomorrow AND work all day Wednesday while Kristine is here... minimizing my time to spend with her. Damn.
3) Sometimes things confuse me.
The ... just news:
1) I am strongly considering quitting my job for my own peace of mind and to give me some free time. Not that I work that often/hard, but I don't exactly need the money to eat/clothe/house myself and this would make the holiday season more enjoyable and easier to handle as well as letting me fully enjoy my precious time here at UF. Of course this inevitably will catch up with my pocketbook and I will have less to play with after I graduate. I am going to think on it a little more though.
2) I miss my family and my Lishas. I also miss some of you all that are here in Gainesville with me that I hardly ever see. Jerks.
3) I can no longer think straight.... I'm going to bed!
Send me good vibes for my test. I <3 you guys!!