I feel so good after doing some reorganizing file in my PC mostly when doing the fanfiction stuff.
I choose to create a folder for my favorite fanfiction because I am afraid I would loose it like some case when the author already disappear Taryn case or asphyxia, and I named the folder elitist bitch.^__^
Yeah because mostly or just all my fanfiction is from tb/x or some trc!vamp and hunter fic, and nothing better than "elitist bitch" to describe tb/x fandom. And I was one of the "bitch" but I am the good one, won't bite or kill anyone believe me :D
Speaking of tb/x fic, just creating a new folder for
sephy_elysian. I just browsing SubaruxKamui community and woot I found her fic, my comment was only she is awesome.
Attention I am an avid SSer who never deny SuKam, Fuubaru, FuuSei or even SeiKam but admitting hardly ever read a decent SubKam fanfic. And whenever I found a good fanfic is always make me happy, let alone some SubKam one, its so rare.
Another good news, finally I am in the mood for making some icon *yes I am not lazing off*
Not much only 4 but Yay I do coloring some manga, nothing special since it was my first attempt at least I am trying. I really really need more and more practice.
I just realize I am bitching about nothing in my post, sorry folk ^_^
Compare to my f-list which full about trc new chapter spoiler and tsubasa angst honey muffin which is called fai, my post really really like a spam one.
Another unimportant bitching I found loveless fanfic recs, and I would jump into that