Lets see what I read this weeks, apart from some unimportant stuff, finally I read
First, some Loveless chapter, not going to spoil anything except I am still an Aoyagicest *aww I scare everyone* and grrr on hiatus again and again. I heard that Yun Kouga would finish it soon but I have bad feeling. The hiatus thingie make me lazy to keep following this manga.
Second, Tactics book7, slow reading as usual because I prefer to buy the book. It license in my place. My opinion, I love it, this is the reason why I felt so bad to watch the anime first. I am still searching some Haruka picture with 1000 tori in the background, in my book its not colored. I want the color version but I am not yet found it. I want to see the kimono in color.
Third, Are you enemy? The first story about Bun and the story behind his angel tattoo. OMG I love this, make me adore Miyamoto Kano more and more. The Walker universe is really really have more interesting character than the Rules universe. This story introduce us to Akio, Bun first love, the one who make the angel tattoo, a man who become a drug addict cause he wants to see an angel ^_^.
Last, I follow up Dogs sequel, Bullets and Carnage, Oh yay its better than the original my love grow for Badaou, actually my favorite is Naoto and the wing girl Nill?, if I am not wrong. This is my favorite part.
What I hate from this manga, again the very long update, Its annoy me cause I am an impatient kind of girl. But the artwork is something worth it to continue.
And I just read an American comic called Drain today, thanks to kurenai_tenka, I don't care with the story much cause I am not interested with vampire but the victorian dresses lady is something that worth to read. So beautiful.